Jul 2006
Man's judgments are always flawed, because they proceed from the finite mind that does not see the end from the beginning. The o…
Jul 2006
Evil is not an illusion, but it certainly is a matter of perspective. When Stalin starved millions of people during the 1930's, …
Jul 2006
There are two very different views about the concept of duality. One view says that a dualistic mindset means recognizing t…
Jul 2006
There is no place in Scripture where we are told that evil is a creation of either man or the devil. While it is true that men D…
Jul 2006
In view of the fact that God is the Commander of the New Gideon Army, it is appropriate to write about Him and His character. Th…
Jul 2006
God is the ultimate Reality, and structure is His creation-servant.
When we identify ourselves with our spiritual man inside, w…
Jul 2006
The Bible often tells us how people receive new names. Jacob became Israel, Joshua became Jehoshua, Jedidiah became Solomon, and…
Jun 2006
Yesterday I posted a log asking you to ratify the decree before the Divine Court involving the Bohemian Club that is meeting at …