Mar 2006
In the prophecies of Daniel 2, we see that Rome was described in terms of IRON. Thus, we call this fourth beast (Dan. 7)&nb…
Mar 2006
I have already shown that 1914 was 2,520 years after Babylon became an Empire in 607 B.C.
Now we will see that 1917 was 2,520 y…
Mar 2006
I was originally going to move on to the year 1917 today, but a news event happened yesterday that changed things. I have writte…
Mar 2006
The year 1914 was 2,520 years after Babylon became an empire (607 B.C.)
On Dec. 23, 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed, an…
Mar 2006
In our study of the year 1776, we noted that this date fell 2,520 years after the beginning of Israel's captivity in 745 B.C.
Mar 2006
America went to war in Afghanistan and helped set up a new and better government, presumably more democratic with justice and li…
Mar 2006
The Persian Journal reports that there has been a postponement of the new Iranian oil bourse that was supposed to be implem…
Mar 2006
In order to understand the prophetic significance of the year 1860, one must again go back to the ancient history of I…