Mar 2006
The United Kingdom of Israel, particularly under King Solomon, sent ships to both North and South America at least 1000 ye…
Mar 2006
Some of you have asked me why I don't go on Christian radio to tell the Christians what is really going on in the Israeli state.…
Mar 2006
All of the major events in U.S. history have occurred on known biblical time cycles. Knowing these time cycles will help us to u…
Mar 2006
When God told Moses to build TWO trumpets in Numbers 10:2, He distinguished between the rulers and the congregation (Church). Wh…
Mar 2006
This article, which can be read at the web address below, shows how the Israelis were able to build two nuclear weapons just bef…
Mar 2006
I have written in general about the three main feast days of Israel and how they are the basic outline of Bible prophecy. I have…
Mar 2006
When the Church miscarried the Manchild in the 70th generation of the Church, as described in Part 1 of this series, my first im…
Mar 2006
This New York Times article is quite interesting. I have thought for many years that many Islamic people will one day become so …