Feb 2006
What does it mean to be "chosen," or part of God's "elect"? Like any "elected" official, it has to do with who has been given au…
Feb 2006
I have written in recent months about the danger of war with Iran, and I singled out the new "Oil Bourse" that Iran is setting u…
Feb 2006
The year 2006-2007, as I said in Part 1, is the end of the period of the seven bowls (vials). It is like a 7-year Feast of Taber…
Feb 2006
The book of Revelation is structured upon the Hebrew calendar.
The Hebrew calendar makes every seventh year a land-rest year (i…
Feb 2006
The following is an article from "Science and Discovery" entitled "Fuel From Water." Subtitle: "It Promises to Replace Coal and …
Feb 2006
On January 27, 2006 when it was clear that the Palestinian election had resulted in victory for the Hamas party, the Israeli new…
Feb 2006
The recent Committee hearings in the Senate on the nomination of Justice Samuel Alito brought out an interesting conflict.
Feb 2006
After Gulf War I, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin made a genuine attempt to make peace between his country and the Palestinians. He…