Mar 2006
Israel's second feast day is today called Pentecost. It was originally known as the Feast of Weeks or the Feast of Harvest. But …
Mar 2006
God's purpose in creating the physical universe was to glorify Himself in a new dimension. He had always received glory in the h…
Mar 2006
Luke 3:38 tells us the Adam was "the son of God." This is because he was made in the Image of God. It was the divine purpose fro…
Mar 2006
The Apostle Paul says in Romans 8:19, "For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing ["unveiling"] of …
Mar 2006
There is one final "loose end" that needs to be mentioned in this series.
We showed earlier that the Babylonian succession of e…
Feb 2006
The Zionists were given the Debt Note in 1948. Edom became "chosen," and they became responsible before God to bring forth the f…
Feb 2006
As I showed in Part 5 (and more extensively in other writings), God allowed the Zionists to return to the old land in order to r…
Feb 2006
I received this crisis report today and thought I should pass it on to our readers, since I have written about the time cycles t…