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Tabernacles 2014 declaration

At the October 2014 Tabernacles conference, we declared the transfer of authority from the beast systems to the saints of the Most High in fulfillment of Daniel 7:22, 27. We…

Preparing to cleanse the world

I first met the “red heifer” women in August of 1991 at a conference in Pennsylvania. Most of them are from the Houston area. They worked extensively with sister Thea Eroes to…

Russia gains independence from Babylon

Russia’s President Putin has succeeded in freeing Russia from Rothschild slavery to the international banking system. In June last year President Putin banned Jacob…

More thoughts on Harvey

The tropical depression which later grew into Hurricane Harvey began on Thursday, August 17 as it came into the Caribbean Sea south of the Gulf of Mexico. It crossed the Yucatan…

Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey is moving toward Corpus Christi, TX and will probably hit the city this evening. Since Corpus Christi means “Body of Christ,” it is a significant sign of things…

7th fleet Commander dismissed, and other signs

Recall that on August 21, as we did some divine court work, the US Navy aegis-class warship, John S McCain was rammed and damaged by an oil (merchant) tanker. As a result,…

Signs of the coming Kingdom

The Renewing the Covenant prayer campaign yesterday was accomplished, and so it should be clear to all that the coming Kingdom will be based on the will of God, not upon the will…

The arrow has been shot

This morning the Father spoke to me, saying, “The arrow has been shot.” I knew what He meant, for He was speaking of the ninth sign of Elisha. The arrow has not yet hit the…

US Navy warship John S McCain collision

When we are given watch dates, it is helpful to watch and see what actually happens on those dates. In this case, August 21, the date of the solar eclipse across America, is a…

Nephilim wars update

On August 1, 2017 we reached the time period of 1480 days since Pope Frances issued his Motu Proprio on July 11, 2013. His decree had an effective date of September 1, 2013, so…

Four interviews with Tim Bence

A few days ago I posted a shortened version of an interview with Tim Bence, who prayed at Jekyll Island in September of 2008. (By the way, I changed the heading to that article to…

The Curse on Money

Background On July 15, 2017 a group of us went before the divine court to replace the Nephilim at the spiritual gate in Hermantown, a suburb of Duluth. He was replaced with a…

Vatican watch dates

First, some background for new readers: I have written extensively since 2013 about the beast systems of Daniel 7 coming to an end of their authority from 2014-2017. It started…

The 9th sign of Elisha confirmed

The signs around me in the past few weeks all confirm that July 15, 2017 was a turning point insofar as the 9th miracle-sign of Elisha is concerned. My conclusion is that this…

Update on coming events

In recent weeks I have been a little frustrated because our heavenly Father would not give me any information about the upcoming Tabernacles conference. My complaint was that…

Perspective on prophetic events

In yesterday’s weblog I reported on one of the claimants to the position of “owner” of the world assets. He goes by the codename White Spiritual Boy. There are many who claim the…

The Hillary Step is gone

Just 200 feet below the top of Mount Everest used to be a 39-foot column of four large boulders that had to be scaled in order to reach the summit. The top boulder (the largest…

Is the Vatican now exposing its heart?

In last century, Albert Pike, an avowed Luciferian, became the head of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Although Freemasonry was publicly outlawed by the Vatican, there is disturbing…

Cleansing the heart of Alaska

Here is a report from a reader in Alaska.... A Report on Cleansing Alaska's Heart Somewhere in the middle of May of 2017, I approached my local prayer partners, Pastor…

Ancient prophecy from 1217 AD

Here is an 800-year-old prophecy from a Jewish rabbi from the year 1217 that is interesting. Rabbi Judah ben Samuel published a prophecy 800 years ago, based on his view of…