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The war is heating up

As I wrote earlier in our watch date updates, the first watch date was October 28, since this was 15 years from the decree that set the stage for the spiritual warfare Nov. 1-14,…

Watch dates November 1-14

One of the main prophetic patterns that we are watching in 2016 was established in 2001, a year of intense spiritual warfare. This is the 15-year cycle, which we know as the…

Healing the Breaches of the Civil War

Yesterday I posted a headline about the GOP “civil war” within the party. If we check what happened ten years earlier in 2006, we recall that the theme of our conferences shifted…

The October 7 watch date

October 7, 2016 was the tenth anniversary of the day we poured out the 7th bowl of water and wine at Babylon, New York. The “seven bowls” work began in October of 2000 at…

Is the death of Peres a sign?

Israeli statesman, Shimon Peres, a terrorist in the 1940’s who turned peacemaker in 1993, died today at the age of 93. Here is the news report:…

An encouraging word

I find this encouraging. I have been writing for a long time, but perhaps this refers to the latest project that I am just now starting.…

What happened on September 17?

Hillary Clinton collapsed on September 11, 2016 at the 911 memorial in New York City. Footage actually shows her hands locked behind her back with officers holding her arms on…

Is Hillary dead?

WABC News New York television reporter Joe Torres stated, “We begin with the breaking news of Hillary Clinton’s death:” The fact that this video was cut off immediately after he…

Nervous Democrats whispering about replacing Hillary

The “conspiracy theory” about Hillary’s failing health is being proven more and more each day as Hillary’s health continues to deteriorate. At the 911 memorial in New York…

Things to watch in September

There are reports of significant meetings going on in Jerusalem from September 4-23, 2016 between the leaders of different religions. This includes Pope Francis. However, I cannot…

Past revelations about Jezebel

Here is my weblog from September 18, 2011, the day after Operation Jericho ended at the state capital in St. Paul, Minnesota.…

Chaos at the Democratic National Convention

Months ago I wrote how both of the main political parties had taken sides in their political races. The Republican Party establishment had backed Ted Cruz and put up as many…

The Next World Order

We are coming up on July 15, as we do every year about this time. July 15 has been an important watch date ever since 2010 when it was seen as the date of the eighth sign of…

Brexit, freedom, and free trade

A week has now passed since Britain voted to exit the EU. The vote has given a major boost toward other exit-voting initiatives from France, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Sweden, and…

Brexit and watch dates

The year 2001 was a year of great spiritual warfare. It began with the wars to overthrow the golden calves (February and March), after which time God granted America a divorce…

The hidden purpose of western immigration policies

Current “liberal” thinking prevalent in the West wants to liberate women, while at the same time bringing in Islamic immigrants who enslave women. This is an inherent…

The Tekel sign (UPDATED)

First we saw the Mina, Mina sign at the time of the Orlando shooting. Justice Mina was the mother of one of the victims, and Police Chief Mina is a Justice of the Peace. I…

Further explanation of Vinnie's Dream

I received this letter from Brother Vinnie, explaining further insights in regard to his dream on March 27, 2016.... This is in regard to the dream posted on April 13 here:…

Prince and the Purple Rain sign

The Prince of Pop died on Thursday, April 21, 2016, probably of a drug overdose. It may take a…