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Iraqi President Talibani to return to Iraq September 17 President Talibani has been in Germany since June 17 for knee surgery. It is widely believed that his return is…

Update on Iraq and dinar revaluation

Last January I posted a dinar update, saying that if the revaluation did not occur in January or February, we may have to wait until April when we could watch the wave-sheaf…

The approaching overthrow of Iraqi P.M. Maliki ERBIL, April 8 (AKnews) - Kurds may join other Iraqi forces to attempt to remove Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki - who has been…

CNBC Interview with Ali Agha of DinarTrade

Here is a short clip from CNBC interviewing the founder of DinarTrade, which has sold most of the Iraqi dinar in America since 2004. You can see what the man looks like.…

Strange dinar story worth repeating

I wrote about this in a blog dated 3/24/11. In part, I wrote: My friend said, "Well we heard that it's supposed to RV any day now". The man responds, "Not yet but soon. What…

Iraqi budget passed and posted in Gazette

The date of the passage is February 23. Click here for the English translation This news could be quite significant. They are working hard to prepare for the Arab Summit…

Update on Watch Dates

I last gave an update on watch dates on January 31. {CCM:BASE_URL}/daily-weblogs/2012/2012-m1-january/watch-dates-for-february/ I wrote that the next watch dates were…

February 5 watch date February 5 is being…

Dinar Update

I have said for a long time that the revaluation of the dinar should be connected in some way to barley, since it is (I believe) the 9th sign of Elisha (2 Kings 4:42-44).…

New Year's Rumors

Rumors over this past week end indicated that the Global Settlements were finally being instituted as of January 1, 2012, and that the second step in this would be the revaluation…

Iraq's political crisis and its effect on the dinar

As we are coming to the end of December, it is time to assess the situation in Iraq and to see how it may affect the revaluation of the dinar. Two weeks ago the UN Security…

Further reflections on the dinar

Although the patterns are strong that we may see the dinar revalue as early as tomorrow, I think we should also consider the possibility that it will occur at the end of December.…

Dinar Watch Update

Remember the "strange dinar story" that I posted on March 24, 2011? A strange man walked up to a couple of Christians discussing the dinar and prophesied.…

Dinar Letter from Brother Vinnie

Here is an email from Brother Vinnie that I am passing on to those who might yet be contemplating ordering Iraqi dinar from him: Hello Dinar Family, My family and I, after a…

Iraq's banks now computerized and ready for world trade

Here is another google-translated article from the Iraqi news. It says that the World Bank has finally finished its restructuring of the five state-owned banks in Iraq. If I am…

Dinar Report and CBI auction

Here is an audio report from last Friday that has caused some excitement. It's about 13 minutes long, where a man from the West Coast told his experience at a Chase bank. The…

Short prophecy re the Dinar by Kim Clement June 29 I thought this was interesting. Click on the link above, and watch the video. Go to 41:20 and listen for about 30 seconds.…

Iraq, dinars, and Spiritual Warfare

I notice today that someone has posted a slightly modified version of my Jan. 8, 2011 web log on the Dinar Daddy site. (Scroll down to the "Members"…

Central Bank of Iraq mentions soon-coming revaluation of the dinar

The Central Bank of Iraq is much like our own Central Bank. When Bernanke speaks, he has to be very careful what he says, because everyone reacts to every little nuance. So…

Bank President speaks out on Iraqi Dinar rumors

Here is an interesting and credible report, assuming, of course, that the person is truly who he says that he is. He does sound credible, and it was posted on…