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Dinar Update and Clarification

In the last dinar blog I posted last week end, I made it sound like people from other countries were not allowed to own Iraqi dinars. I made the correction on that blog. What I…

Update on Iraqi Dinar and Prophecy

Rumors have always abounded, and up to this point they have all been wrong. So the odds of any rumor being credible are slim to none. However, having included that disclaimer, let…

Update on the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation

I have no direct contacts that would give my views any special value. But from my research into what others have gleaned. . . First, the Central Bank of Iraq is closed for the…

Dinar Update

I talked to Brother Vinnie on the phone today, and he gave me a report on the number of orders he has been receiving for Iraqi dinars as the result of my recommendation in…

Iraqi Parliament First Session November 11 At last! The camel caravan is finally moving. I thought they might actually meet…

Bank Holiday? or Planning for a Dinar Revaluation? There has been talk recently about a planned "Bank Holiday." One Bank Branch Manager reports that all…

Iraqi Dinar Explained For those wishing to purchase some dinars, give my friend Vinnie a…

How the Gulf War affected the currencies of both Kuwait and Iraq

When a nation is invaded, what happens to its currency? Well, a good example is found in the Gulf War when Iraq invaded Kuwait. What happened to the Kuwaiti currency? "The…

How the Iraq War Could Pay for Itself--as President Bush Suggested "President George W. Bush liked to say the ($900 billion and counting) Iraq war…

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