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Reminder to watch tonight's videos, The Truth About Cancer

This is just a reminder to those who want to watch the free videos: The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. The first video will air at 8:00 pm tonight (CST). My wife is very…

The truth about cancer

The first series of cancer discussions from Ty Bollinger are being run again next week beginning April 12, and you are invited to listen to them free of charge. I highly recommend…

Monsanto may lose European license for products with glyphosate

A big battle is being fought in Europe over Monsanto’s Roundup, which contains the chemical glysophate. It has been shown to be a carcinogen, but Monsanto’s political power is…

Zika virus owned by Rockefeller Foundation

If the Zika virus is causing such an epidemic these days, perhaps one of the victims should sue its owners of the patent—the Rockefeller Foundation.…

Brazilian Shrunken Head Babies: Zika or TDAP?

Is it a coincidence that the so-called “Zika virus” epidemic coincides with Brazil’s decision in late 2014 to give all pregnant women the TDAP vaccination as routine?…

Vaccines suspended at UK school after 15 students collapse

This occurred on or about the 26th of January 2016, which is the date of the letter that the school sent to the parents of the affected children.…

Feds suppress good health research (NaturalNews) There are all sorts of ways the federal government actively poisons the population:…

Russia may soon be the largest organic food producer in the world

Russian will become the largest grower of organic, non-GMO food soon, if President Putin has his way. His goal: to supply the world with healthy, organic food.  “We are not…

Why the war against holistic doctors?

For the past year I have been reading about the many holistic doctors who are mysteriously dying. It looked like a covert war against true health professionals being conducted by…

A doctor complains about falsified data from the CDC

Dr. Brownstein wonders why there has been no official investigation after a senior scientist at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) admitted that crucial evidence had been…

The Truth about Cancer

We recommend these excellent scientific studies and case histories. The first episode comes on tonight. Once you start watching them, you will not want to miss any of them. These…

The Scientific study is now official: Monsanto’s Roundup and GMO corn is very toxic

The “first ever” scientific tests have finally been completed with Monsanto’s Roundup and its GMO corn. Mice developed huge tumors in 50-80% and died prematurely when fed with…

Uranium in our aquifers

It has been argued for many years that chemical fertilizers used in agriculture have no harmful effects upon humans. Now research shows that nitrates in fertilizer generate a…

Russia going organic (NaturalNews) The future of agriculture in Russia won't involve genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), says the…

Fluoride reduces IQ, Harvard researches now say

This conclusion by Harvard researchers seems obvious to those of us who know the history of fluoride in drinking water, going back at least to Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1945. Many…

Respected medical journal says half of scientific literature may be untrue

Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief of the Lancet makes a shocking admission: A shocking admission…

Court orders Monsanto to pay $93 million for poisoning town with agent orange

This article is interesting. Earlier this month the State…

Music can alter your genes

Be careful what type of music you listen to. It has the ability to alter your genes. So says this news article.…

The new epidemic: Orthoexia Nervosa

A new epidemic is being reported, now that it has found a government label. Until recently, the (mental) disorder was largely ignored because it had no official label. But now…