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Potassium Iodate Available Again

We received a shipment of Potassium Iodate today and will be sending out the back orders immediately. For those of you who need some, let me know. You can order through PayPal…

Food and Revolutions

In the past months, food prices have been going up, as floods and fires have destroyed many crops in the world. Warnings have been sounded, as many of you have already heard. But…

Healing through Hebrews

I received this interesting response from someone who found healing by reading my book on Hebrews: Immigrating from the Old Covenant to the New. It really wasn't written for this…

Foreign Fish Imports can be dangerous to your health This problem is directly caused by the GATT Treaty and NAFTA and all of the "free trade" that has devastated home production of…

Finland's Health Minister--New You-Tube Site to watch the interview

Yesterday I gave a site to watch this interview, but it was shut down shortly afterward. There is another site available, however, for those of you who were unable to see it…

Finland's Health Minister comments on the real plan behind the swine flu vaccine

In this 3-minute video, she says the hidden agenda is (1) to reduce the world's population by at least two-thirds, and (2) to make money doing it.…

How Much Vitamin D Should We Take? Humans obtain vitamin D by conversion of substances in the skin after exposure to UVB, light from the sun. We can make up to…

Canadian Study shows Vitamin D Helps Prevent Cancer and MS Vitamin D isn't just for flu anymore. "Vitamin D is a safe and relatively cheap supplement with…

Science behind Vitamin D

A doctor friend of mine sent me this helpful link explaining more about what Vitamin D is and what it does for us.

Vitamin D-3 Wholesale Price Quadruples due to demand as defense against swine flu

It has only been in recent years that Vitamin D has been studied sufficiently to really appreciate its beneficial effect on the immune system. Back in the 1950's, I had virtually…

Solutions to the Swine Flu Pandemic

Back on August 5, 2009, I wrote about the Health Scare as follows: Beyond the legal problem, it is quite clear already that the swine flu's death rate is not much different…

Swine Flu Pandemic

Just to let you know ahead of time, our family will be taking a vacation all next week. We'll be flying to the Virgin Islands for our daughter's wedding and will stay there for a…

Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) Being Recalled by FDA (Alka-Selzer)

Here's the FDA site for this health news. If you use alka-selzer or a host of other products with this ingredient, you may want to do something about it before you get a stroke or…

Creation's Nutrients Discount Available

I wrote the other day to let you know how to obtain nutritional products from Creation's Nutrients (manufactured by my friend, Doug Evers of Eversco). To obtain an additional…

Dr. Tullio Simoncini, M.D. on Cancer

Dr. Tullio Simoncini is an Italian medical doctor and a Christian. He wrote the book, Cancer is a Fungus. He also proposes a very inexpensive and more effective treatment for…

Creation's Nutrients On-Line Store

Some of you have ordered flax oil, SuperLimber, and other things from me in the past. You can now order these and many other items directly from the manufacturer at:…

Update on Potassium Iodate Orders

My weblog from April 11 mentioned that we had a supply of potassium iodate for $15/bottle of 180 tablets to be taken if or when some sort of nuclear accident or incident should…

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