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Corinthians Books now available

The series on First and Second Corinthians are finally in print. There are four books on First Corinthians and one book on Second Corinthians.   First…

Ministry progress report

Now that I have finished the final weblog in my commentary on Second Corinthians, I feel like I have completed what was needed to have a rather complete curriculum for the Bible…

A New Covenant Tract

Video Blog (Vlog) Watch video on Youtube Referenced Links    The Two Covenants This book discusses the differences between the Old and New Covenants. The main…

GKM Ministry Shift

We wanted to update everyone on plans for the future of GKM. In particular, we will be moving toward implementing more video-based teachings. This is the first blog of its kind on…

Our server host is having issues

The host that we are hosting the GKM site on is currently experiencing issues. They are aware of the problem and are working to fix it. You may experience intermittent…

Blogs Should Return Next Week

Dr. Jones is still feeling under the weather, and will be taking the weekend to rest up and recoup. For those of you who are new to the site, now would be the perfect time to…

Leap of Faith

Brother Vinnie and his family have sold their house and are expected to be on the road by the end of May or early June to begin a new traveling ministry. God has confirmed this to…

Notice Regarding Store Orders

We wanted to make a quick blog post to let everyone know that shipping on all orders on the GKM Store will be delayed until after the upcoming Passover Conference. You will…

Second Update on New Zealand Trip

Previous update: {CCM:BASE_URL}/daily-weblogs/2018/02-2018/update-on-dr-jones-new-zealand-trip/ We just heard from Dr. Jones regarding the New Zealand trip. The previous update…

Update On Dr. Jones' New Zealand Trip

We were contacted by Dr. Jones today with an update regarding the return from the New Zealand trip. We spoke with them (him and Darla) yesterday, when everything was on schedule,…

Accidental incorrect link in previous blog post

Some of you may have noticed that there was an incorrect link in the previous blog post ({CCM:BASE_URL}/daily-weblogs/2017/12-2017/the-biggest-sting-operation-in-history/) that…

Additional Information Regarding PayPal Donations

We wanted to let everyone know about additional information related to the recent blog post regarding PayPal Donations We called PayPal and they told us that during the time…

Important Notice Regarding Recent Donations via PayPal

With the recent change to Dr. Jones' email address (see the blog post here), we have been changing the email address associated with all the different accounts we have set up so…

Live Stream Tonight and Sunday

There will be a live streamed session on Chris Reed's website at The stream will begin tonight at 7:30 PM EST. There will also be a couple…

Email Subscription and Push Notification added!

We have just finished adding the option to subscribe to email notification and/or push notifications of new Blog Posts and News Posts on GKM. They are available in the sidebar on…

Important Regarding Dr. Jones' Email Address

Dr. Jones is now using a new email address. His old email was godskingdm(at) (replace (at) with @ on your keyboard). For anyone that wishes to reach Dr. Jones via email,…

Meeting Announcement For Dec 3rd, 2017

Dr. Jones will be speaking at Chris Reed's church in Peru, Indiana on Dec 3rd. The meeting will be on Sunday Morning starting at 10:30 AM. An evening meeting will be held at…

Regarding New Search Bar

We have replaced all search on the site with a new search bar using DuckDuckGo. We chose this because it is a search tool that does not have any ads on the results, it does not…

New book now available--Power of the Flame

.button_blue { padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px; background-color: #2E5999; color: white !important; cursor: pointer; border: none !important;…

SSL Certificate Working Again

The SSL Certificate issues mentioned in the previous post have now been fixed. You should no longer experience any warnings from your browser when you visit the GKM Store or the…