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Regarding SSL Certificate Issues

You may have noticed over the last few days that your browser warns you that the GKM website or the GKM Store is not secure. We checked in with our host and there was a problem…

Third biblical novel now available

The third novel is now finished and available. The print shop delivered them to me this morning. It is entitled My Father’s Tear, which is the name I gave to David’s harp. The…

Delay on Shipments Until Next Week.

Shipments on any orders placed on the store will be delayed while Dr. Jones is out of town. You can still feel free to place any orders, but nothing will be shipped until after…

Through Timeless Mountains now in print

This 122-page novel with 100 footnotes is now in print and ready for distribution. The store link:…

Passover Conference banner link fixed.

We have corrected the banner link for the 2017 Passover Conference. It originally pointed to the previous 2016 Tabernacles Conference. Thank you to the user that pointed this…

Server upgrades later tonight -- Postponed again

We will be performing server upgrades later on tonight around 9:00 PM CDT. The site will be unavailable for approximately 15-20 minutes during this time. We apologize for any…

2016 Tabernacles Conference is live!

The 2016 Tabernacles Conference is live! You can view the conference details, including the streaming schedule here, the streaming center here, and the live stream directly on…

Updates from GKM Admin

We wanted to give you some quick updates regarding the bookstore and some upcoming server updates later on tonight. Regarding the bookstore We have had a few random issues…

New books on Revelation completed

The first 4 books of the Commentary on Revelation are now finished and ready for distribution. These represent half of the total, covering the first 12 chapters of the book of…

Updates from GKM Admin - Store Live!

Online store live! The new online store is now live! You can access it by using the Store link in the header nav. You can view the original blog post containing details…

Ministry Updates

The Conference is scheduled for September 16-18, 2016 at the DoubleTree Park Place hotel in Minneapolis, MN. The deadline for getting reservations at this hotel is Thursday,…

Back from California

I am back at the office, though I slept late this morning. When I arrived this morning, my internet connection had been lost, and it took a while to get it back. I will try to…

Book 7 of Luke now available

Now in print and available is Dr. Luke: Healing the Breaches, Book 7, “The Conflict.” This covers Luke 18:31 through chapter 21. It is primarily the story of the Passion Week,…

Security Announcement - Email Compromised

We've recently been notified by several people that received emails that looked like they were sent by Dr. Jones. These emails were not sent by him, but in fact were spam emails…

Book 6 of Luke series now available

Book 6 of our Luke series is now available. Its title is “The Kingdom,” and it covers Luke 15 to 18:30. The cost is $15. I am now working on Book 7. It appears that there will be…

Great News! Books Now On Kindle

GKM Books At Your Fingertips For all of you that have been waiting for the arrival of our books on Kindle, they are finally here. We currently have about 50 books uploaded and…

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