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First Corinthians 2--Paul's School of Revelation

Paul had been a student of philosophy before studying the law under Gamaliel in Jerusalem. His unique educational background is seen in virtually all of his letters to the Greek…

First Corinthians 1--The Great Debate

Paul has been contrasting the wisdom of this world with the wisdom of God, showing how each considers the other to be “foolishness.” The question is whose wisdom will prove to be…

First Corinthians--Wisdom and Signs

1 Corinthians 1:20 says, 20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? Paul was painting…

First Corinthians 1--Wisdom and Foolishness

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:18, 19, 18 For the word [logos] of the cross is to those who are perishing [apollumi] foolishness [moria], but to us who are being saved it is the…

First Corinthians 1--Baptism and the True Church

1 Corinthians 1:13 says, 13 Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? Paul was concerned over the mindset of…

First Corinthians 1--Two Authority Pitfalls

Leadership always has potential risks. Perhaps the main risk is that the better a leader does his job the more likely it is that people will follow him or her, rather than Christ.…

First Corinthians 1--Exhortation to Unity

After Paul concludes his greetings and expresses confidence in the believers of Corinth, he says in 1 Corinthians 1:9, 9 God is faithful, through whom you were called into…

First Corinthians 1--The Revelation in the Greeting

In 1 Corinthians 1:3, we read, 3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. This double greeting of grace (charis) and peace (shalom) shows how the…

First Corinthians 1--Greetings from Paul and Sosthenes

Paul begins his letter with his introduction in 1 Corinthians 1:1-3, 1 Paul, called as an apostle [“a called apostle”] of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Sosthenes our…

Introduction to First Corinthians, the Epistle of Sanctification

This is the beginning of our new study in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church. The Apostle Paul made four missionary journeys before his martyrdom in Rome in 67 A.D.…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 20, The Dawn of a New Day (final)

We spent the night with Gushgalu, and the next day we began our journey back to the village to give our report to Chief Hiamovi. Gushgalu, still excited by the revelations of the…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 19, The Hidden Treasure

I picked up the bridles lying where we had left them on the floor of the cave. Looking up, I knew we were near the veil where changes would take place. I reached up and stroked…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 18, The Parting Gift

We mounted Pegasus and Pleiades and continued our journey toward Gaash Mountain. Passing a few small villages along the way, we greeted the people, but continued without stopping.…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 17, The Lions' Sacrifice

Our mission completed, we knew it was time to return to our own time through the Mountain of Destiny. For a long time we walked in silent contemplation along the road as we headed…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 16, The Second Encounter

We arrived again at the family estate near Zorah, where Toivo had encountered the young woman caring for her sheep. We found her at the same place again, sitting upon the same…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 15, The Philistine Mission

In the morning, we bade farewell to our friends and rode south along the ridge past Beth-horon toward Zorah, which was a settlement in the sliver of land that the tribe of Dan had…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 14, The Sword of the Spirit

As the mountain shadows lengthened and the sky darkened, the chiefs broke up into smaller groups to discuss these things further, and the onlookers began to disperse toward their…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 13, The Word of Faith

At the conclusion of the break, the Tribal Chiefs accepted the reality of the coming captivity, but they wanted to know how to relate to the Philistines during that time. “How…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 12, A Word for Eli

When the High Priest finally returned to the circle, having changed out of his official garments, I met him and said, “May I speak with you privately, your Excellency?” “Yes,…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 11, The Wooden Yoke Revelation

I stood next to the horses with Sipporah at my side and addressed the Chiefs once again. “Has the God of Israel not promised to defend Israel?” I began. “Yes,” the Chief of Dan…