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Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 10, Faith in Horses

After a few minutes of intense discussion, Ibzan called the meeting back to order. “These are unusual teachings,” he said, addressing the Council. “I cannot say that I…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 9, The Heavenly Council

As I spoke with Abihud and Boaz, Sipporah, who had walked toward me from behind, touched my arm as if to tell me something. But at that moment, time stopped, and we were caught up…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 8, The Sons of Eli

A child’s scream interrupted our meal around the campfire. Everyone jumped up and looked in the direction of the scream to see what had happened. A boy about ten years old was…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 7, The Message

“What is freedom?” I asked, looking at the distinguished Council. Boaz spoke up first. “It is the full ability to worship God without restrictions.” “That is very true,” I…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 6, The Tribal Council

From Rephah’s house, we rode toward Timnath-serah, “Sun City,” where the Tribal Council was meeting. The city was located just north of Gaash Mountain, “The Quaking Mountain,” as…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 5, The House of Rephah

Rephah’s wife, Rebekah, welcomed us warmly, though she had been taken by surprise by her husband’s early arrival—and with guests. But we allowed Rephah to tell her the…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 4, The Mountain of Destiny

The dawn encouraged us to rise to the soft flow of water nearby. It seemed that an underground stream had surfaced beneath the boulder, and the water was now flowing gently but…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 3, The Stone of Destiny

“I had a dream last night,” I said to Sipporah and to Gushgalu, our new friend. “Let us hear it,” Gushgalu responded. “Perhaps we can derive some guidance or purpose.” “I…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 2, The Journey Begins

We all rode bareback with only a light blanket between us and the horses. Yes, really! Joseph was right. The horses had a unique ability to keep inexperienced riders from falling…

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 1, The Council Meeting

“What is freedom?” I asked. “That is a good question,” Chief Hiamovi replied. “If we do not fully know the answer to that question, it will be impossible to sustain freedom in…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 42, New Covenant Salvation

Hosea 14:4 tells us how Israel will find mercy: 4 I will heal their apostasy, I will love them freely, for My anger has turned away from them. God does this to fulfill His…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 41, The Call to Repentance

The purpose of divine judgment is to bring about repentance, not destruction. When the people repent, the judgment ceases. Because of this, it appears that repentance never occurs…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 40, When God Answers Carnal Prayers

In view of Israel’s captivity under “wild beasts,” Hosea 13:10, 11 says, 10 Where now is your king that he may save you in all your cities, and your judges of whom you…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 39, The Rule of Wild Beasts

Hosea 13:7-9 says, 7 So I will be like a lion to them; like a leopard I will lie in wait by the wayside. 8 I will encounter them like a bear robbed of her cubs, and I will tear…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 38, False and True Images of God

Hosea 13:1 says, 1 When Ephraim spoke, there was trembling [rethath, “terror”]. He exalted himself in Israel, but through Baal he did wrong [asham, “was guilty”] and died. In…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 37, The Jacobite Dispute, part 2

After giving Israel instructions on how to repent, Hosea 12:7 compares Israel to a dishonest merchant, saying, 7 A merchant, in whose hands are false balances, he loves to…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 36, The Jacobite Dispute, part 1

Hosea 11:12 should properly begin the twelfth chapter of Hosea, for it introduces a new section showing the dispute between God and Israel, and even with Judah. Hosea 11:12 says,…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 35, A Father’s Compassion

Hosea 11:2, 3 says, 2 The more they called them, the more they went from them [or, “from Me”]; they kept sacrificing to the Baals and burning incense to idols. 3 Yet it is I who…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 34, Out of Egypt

Hosea 11:1 says, 1 When Israel was a youth, I loved him and out of Egypt I called My son. The prophet now appeals to Israel/Ephraim by showing the history of God’s love,…

Hosea, prophet of mercy—chapter 33, Sowing and reaping

Hosea 10:11 says, 11 And Ephraim is a trained heifer that loves to thresh, but I will come over her fair neck with a yoke; I will harness Ephraim, Judah will plow, Jacob will…