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Don't lose heart while praying

In Luke 18 the people were given instructions in view of the coming destruction of Jerusalem and Judea. Although the destruction was as certain as Jesus’ rejection and…

The final warning

In the flow of Luke’s narrative, we see how he recorded Jesus’ parables of the Kingdom, showing specifically the “two sons” theme, where one inherited and the other did not. In…

The day Lot left Sodom

In Luke 17:28-33 Jesus gave another illustration to explain the coming of the Son of man. Keep in mind that this was in response to the Pharisees’ question in verse 20. The coming…

As in the days of Noah

In Luke 17:20 the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God was coming. Their intent was to examine Jesus as a doctor would examine a sick patient. Jesus told them that the…

The Pharisees' question, Part 2

In Luke 17:20 the Pharisees questioned Jesus in regard to the coming of the Kingdom. Jesus answered, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed.” The Greek word…

The Pharisees' Question

Luke 17 is given to us in two parts. The first nineteen verses are instructions and advice to Jesus’ disciples, in view of their desire to follow Christ. In this role, they are…

Faith that reckons

After dealing with the great issues of repentance and forgiveness, Luke tells us that the repentant ones should be trained in faith in order to grow spiritually. Luke 17:5 says,…

Stumbling blocks and repentance

Having concluded the Kingdom parables, Jesus then taught His disciples about stumbling blocks, repentance, and forgiveness. Luke 17:1, 2 begins by saying, 1 And He said to His…

The rich man and Lazarus, Final

Luke 16:26 says, 26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed, in order that those who wish to come over from here to you may not be able, and that…

The rich man and Lazarus, Part 2

The rich man in Luke 16:22, representing the evil figs of Judah, found himself buried and in Hades, where he was “in torment.” Luke 16:22, 23 says, 22 … and the rich man also…

The dogs licked Lazarus' sores

In relation to Luke 16:21, which says that the dogs licked the sores of Lazarus, I received this response from a reader: Stephen,  On the physical matter of dogs cleansing…

The rich man and Lazarus, Part 1

We have now reached the crescendo of this series of parables that Luke arranged in a particular order to convey the gospel of the Kingdom. The first two focused primarily upon the…

The unjust steward parable, Part 2

At the completion of the parable itself, Luke 16:10-13 begins the lesson itself that is to be learned from that parable. 10 He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful…

The unjust steward parable, Part 1

It is important to read each parable in Luke 15 and 16 as an unfolding revelation in the context of the others. In the three parables already studied, the main focus was on…

The prodigal son parable, Final

The father gave the returning prodigal not only “the best robe” but also a ring on his hand. Dr. Bullinger calls it a “signet ring,” that is, a ring which was used to imprint soft…

The prodigal son parable, Part 4

When the prodigal son returned to his father, he was humble and repentant. His father saw this and did not need to remind his son of all the mistakes he had made in the past. He…

The prodigal son parable, Part 3

The prodigal son, representing the house of Israel, had come into a famine of hearing the word of God (Luke 15:14). He squandered his inheritance (the birthright of Joseph). He…

The prodigal son parable, Part 2

Jesus always drew his illustrations from the Scriptures when giving parables. Though He applied it in a local context to the people of his day, the parables did not lose their…

The prodigal son parable, Part 1

The parable of the prodigal son in the last half of Luke 15 is the third in a series that Jesus told in answer to the grumbling scribes and Pharisees. It is longer than the first…

The lost coin parable

The second Kingdom parable in Luke 15 was like the first, in that Jesus again drew His theme from Scripture. Both the lost sheep and the lost coin represented the House of Israel…