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The lost sheep parable

After Luke records Jesus’ warning about the coming destruction of Jerusalem, he includes teaching in chapter 14 that shows the way to avoid divine judgment. Chapter 15, then,…

Counting the cost of discipleship

Any worthwhile project involves planning. If a man makes a vow, he should fulfill it. Rash vows should be avoided. Do not promise things unless you have the capability and the…

Wisdom in setting priorities

It might be a matter of debate in studying Luke’s dinner parable, whether it is about faith or about priorities. To me, priorities are an expression or outworking of faith. Our…

Faith to accept Christ's invitation

In Luke 14 Jesus turned the dinner party into an occasion of much teaching. No doubt this happened often, but the biblical record is silent on most of those occasions. It seems…

Unconditional love

The dinner that Jesus attended in Luke 14 became the occasion of much teaching. First, Jesus noticed some who quickly took the best and most honorable seats at the table. This…

A parable about humility

Luke 14:7 says, 7 And He began speaking a parable to the invited guests when He noticed how they had been picking out the places of honor at the table; saying to them… It…

Jesus' divine court ruling

The word “blessed” in Luke 13:35 is the Greek word eulogio, which means to pronounce a blessing upon someone. It is not the same word that is used in the Beatitudes, which is…

Two signs of Jerusalem's Destruction

The passage in Luke 13:34, 35, which is explained in more detail in Matthew 23:29-39, is the climax of Jesus’ warning to Jerusalem and its inhabitants. Blessing the Messiah…

Jesus' lament over Jerusalem

In Luke 13:34, 35 Jesus laments over Jerusalem, saying, 34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I wanted to gather…

Jesus' journey to Jerusalem

Not only are the words and teachings of Jesus important in studying the gospels, but also it is important to consider how the writers themselves compiled those words into…

Avoiding divine judgment

So far Luke 12 and 13 has warned the people about coming disaster and how to avoid it by bringing forth the fruit of the Kingdom that God required. National salvation would…

The growth of the Kingdom

The “daughter of Abraham” (Luke 13:16) who was loosed from her eighteen-year bondage to an evil spirit was a prophetic type of all who are of Abraham’s household of faith. These…

The woman healed after eighteen years

After mentioning the eighteen people who were killed when the Tower of Siloam collapsed in Jerusalem, Jesus then heals a woman who had been bent over for eighteen years. Luke…

Repent or Perish

The advice Jesus gave in Luke 12:58 about agreeing out of court with one’s adversary is then illustrated by two examples in Luke 13:1-6. Verse 1 says, 1 Now on the same occasion…

Jesus' baptism causes division

The judgments of God are based upon the fiery law. God will judge the earth according to His own law, not by the laws of men. Luke 12:49, 50 says, 49 I have come to cast fire…

Two rewards for faith

Luke 12:36 speaks of God’s servants (or “slaves”) being ready when the Bridegroom returns from the wedding feast. It is plain that these servants—part of the Groom’s household—had…

Being Ready

Jesus says in Luke 12:33, 34, 33 Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves purses which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes…

Simple faith without worry

The man in the parable in Luke 12:16-21 did not have simple faith. Perhaps few people did in that day—or even today. Jesus goes on to describe the relationship we ought to have…

Kingdom Priorities

In Luke 12:11, Jesus warned His “friends” that they would be judged unjustly. Verse 12 then assures them that the Holy Spirit will give them the right words to say at that time.…

The value of friends

Having told His friends to fear God rather than the persecution of men, Jesus then assures them that they are of great value to God. Hence, they need not really “fear” God in the…