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Romans 11, Part 4

Beginning in Romans 11:25, Paul enlarges upon God's purpose for blinding Israel to be sure that we understand it. (25) For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of…

Romans 11, Part 3

Beginning in Romans 11:17, Paul begins to explain how some of the "branches" of the Kingdom Tree were broken off and how other branches were grafted in. (17) But if some of…

Romans 11, Part 2

In Romans 11, Paul tells us the underlying purpose of the divine plan to blind the eyes of all Israelites (other than the remnant of grace, whose eyes were not blinded). It was to…

Romans 11, Part 1

In Romans 11, Paul presents himself as the example to show that Israel has not really been cast out. It is really the Old Covenant that was broken and cast out, but everyone has…

Romans 10, Part 3

After telling us that the gospel had gone out into the whole earth through the message in the stars themselves, Paul then questions whether or not the dispersed Israelites…

Romans 10, Part 2

It is apparent from Paul's quotation of Deut. 30:12, 13 that he equated Jesus Christ with the Word spoken at Sinai. Moses himself was explaining to Israel that the commandments…

Romans 10, Part 1

Toward the end of Romans 9, Paul uses the term Israel in the general sense that included all twelve tribes. This included those who had been dispersed by the Assyrians eight…

Romans 9, Part 9

The unification of Israel and Judah comes only through the headship of Jesus Christ. Not only is He "the repairer of the breach" (Isaiah 58:12) between Israel and Judah, but He…

Romans 9, Part 8

God has always found it useful to create vessels of dishonor to help train the vessels of honor. He used Saul to train David, for instance, and He used Esau to train Jacob. The…

Romans 9, Part 7

God's sovereignty brings up a very common objection, not only in Paul's day but in ours as well. So Paul raises this objection in Romans 9:19, (19) You will say to me then,…

Romans 9, Part 6

Romans 9:14 says, (14) What shall we say then? There is no injustice with God, is there? May it never be! We have explained how God was just in all of His dealings with…

Romans 9, Part 5

Being called (or "elected") by God has to do with callings and not salvation. When God "elects" someone, that person is given specific authority to accomplish the calling, as well…

Romans 9, Part 4

Paul's discussion about who is a "son" is not about physical genealogy. The term obviously refers to being the particular son who is the heir of the Birthright. There could be…

Romans 9, Part 3

Paul gives us examples from the book of Genesis, proving that not all of Israel are truly Israel, nor are all of Abraham's descendants actually "children" (sons of God). It…

Romans 9, Part 2

Romans 9:1-5, (1) I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, (2) that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in…

Romans 9, Part 1

In Romans 7 Paul distinguishes between the two "I's," and in chapter 8 he shows how to live and think in terms of the Christ "I" within us. Toward the end he establishes the fact…

Romans 8, Part 7

The last part of Romans 8:27 (NASB) says that "the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." The Emphatic Diaglott reads, "Because according to God it…

Romans 8, Part 6

Romans 8:26, and 27, (26) And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with…

Romans 8, Part 5

Having established the fact that we are sons of God and fellow heirs with Christ, Paul gives us two factors proving our sonship. First, Romans 8:14 says that we are being led by…

Romans 8, Part 4

Up until Romans 8:13, Paul laid the foundations for one of his most important topics--Sonship. He showed how faith is the basis of justification, and how sanctification is a…