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The Broken Vav

The common Hebrew greeting is shalom, which literally means "peace." Jesus greeted His disciples in this manner in Luke 24:36, "peace be unto you." The root word is shalam, which…

Annulling the Covenant with Death

As I have written in recent months, we are seeing in 2011 many "echo effects" of the prayer campaigns that were done ten years ago (2001). Last week we were watching March…

Effective Apostleship

Ten years ago today we were in the midst of a three-day prayer battle that was called by this rather lengthy name: "He is building effective apostleship." Emphasis on…

The Bible Code speaks of the Hezekiah Factor

Michael Drosnin, an investigative reporter, has written three books on The Bible Code. The first came out in 1997. The Bible Code is based upon something called Equidistant Letter…

Knowing God's Ways

When things go nicely for us here on earth, we get warm, fuzzy feelings about God. Soon, however, we tend to become complacent, believing God to be irrelevant. Then when disasters…

The Almond Chronicles--Part 7

The almond tree in the first chapter of Jeremiah signifies the authority God was giving the prophet to tear down nations and to rebuild the Kingdom of God. The almond rod in…

The Almond Chronicles--Part 6

For some centuries there has been an internal struggle for control of the Roman Catholic Church. The struggle is between those who support the Virgin Mary and those who support…

The Almond Chronicles--Part 5

Since the Lord saw fit to lay a "snow job" on us, I think I will write a second blog from home while the boys shovel out the driveway. It is evident, looking back at the events…

The Almond Chronicles--Part 4

The things that I will share today will assume that you have some background knowledge of biblical history. One of the main things you need to understand as background material is…

The Almond Chronicles--Part 3

In Part 2, I quoted from Kathryn's letter, wherein she showed some hostility toward me and the spiritual warriors that had joined in our prayer campaigns. From her perspective,…

The Almond Chronicles--Part 2

When I speak of monitoring the heart of the Church, I am talking about a collective body of people--not individuals, nor even individual denominations. We discovered over the…

The Almond Chronicles--Part 1

In our local meeting held on February 12, Ron and I discussed the almond revelation. At the time, it did not occur to me that ten years ago we had a similar revelation. I finally…

Rome's Two Little Horns

Daniel speaks only of a single "little horn" coming out of the iron kingdom (Rome). However, when John gives us further details in Revelation 13, we find that there are actually…

The Iron Kingdom Submits to Christ

The fourth kingdom (Rome) also finally had to submit to Jesus Christ, as the other three did earlier. It is described in Daniel 7:7, (7) After this I kept looking in the…

The Little Horns of Syria and Rome

Josephus gives us the date that Antiochus desecrated the temple in Jerusalem: "Now it came to pass after two years, in the hundred and forty-fifth year ... he left the temple…

The Four Horns after Alexander

The rulers of Babylon, Persia, and Greece all came to recognize the sovereignty of God (Jesus Christ), but all of them then fell back into their own pride, ruling as if they owned…

Alexander Submits to Christ

The book of Daniel tells us that the third empire to arise in that part of the world would come from Greece. This empire is pictured in Daniel 2 as the bronze belly of the image…

The fate of the Kingdom of this world

In Revelation 11:15 John heard voices saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever" [for the Ages of…

Romans 16, Final

In Romans 16 many of the people Paul greets are unknown to us. (14) Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas and the brethren with them. (15) Greet Philologus and…

Romans 16, Part 2

It was common in biblical days for people to change their names when living in another culture. Many still do this today, though perhaps not as often in recent years. The saints…