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Galatians--Part 10

The Gospel of Faith was "preached" to Abraham, along with a commission. Galatians 3:8 says, (8) And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles [ethnos,…

Galatians--Part 9

We begin now with the third chapter of Galatians, keeping in mind that the Bible was not divided by chapters and verses until 1215 A.D. Chapter three continues to build upon what…

Galatians--Part 8

Galatians 2:19 is one of the most misunderstood verses in the Bible. When Paul says, "I am dead to the Law," many invert it to say, "The law is dead." The fact is, when we take…

Galatians--Part 7

In Galatians 2:11-13 Paul tells how he confronted Peter in his hypocritical actions when the Judaizers came up from Jerusalem. Peter did not want to offend the Judaizers, so he…

Galatians--Part 6

One Jewish cultural factor often unappreciated fully is the idea of a triumphant Messiah who could never be utterly humiliated by dying on a cross. The idea of a humiliated…

Galatians--Part 5

I have written many times about King Saul as a prophetic type of the Church under Pentecost. King Saul, crowned on the day of wheat harvest (i.e., Pentecost), was made king…

Galatians--Part 4

At this point it would be helpful to define the word "Gentiles" as used in Scripture, which most people believe means "a non-Jew or non-Israelite." The Hebrew and Greek words…

Galatians--Part 3

Beginning in Galatians 1:15, Paul gives a brief account of his conversion, his trip to Arabia, and then his return to consult with Peter. (15) But when He who had set me…

Galatians--Part 2

Jesus did not come to breathe new life into the Old Covenant and rename it the "New" Covenant. No, the New Covenant, Hebrews 8:9 says, is an entirely different covenant that is…

Galatians--Part 1

Paul finds it necessary to set forth his credentials as a genuine apostle in the first verse of Galatians. He does this because the Judaizing opposition has tried to discredit him…

Introduction to the Book of Galatians--Part 2

The purpose of Paul's letter to the Galatians was to address his historic dispute with the Judaizers. Some label it the dispute between Paul and James, but this is not quite…

Introduction to the Book of Galatians

Paul's letter to the Galatians was probably written in 57 A.D. during his third missionary journey. Paul spent three years in Ephesus (54-57 A.D.) during that missionary journey,…

Inspired Numbers

There are people today who do all they can to promote the Hebrew of the Old Testament and trash the Greek language of the New Testament. Their thinking is that only Hebrew is the…

History of Barley since 2007

I thought it would be helpful to step back and look once again at the big picture in regard to the connection between the barley and the Mississippi River. On April 15, 2007…

Sealing the Twelve Tribes

Revelation 7 speaks of the sealing of the twelve tribes. It seems that everyone has an opinion on it, especially the intriguing fact that the tribe of Dan was left out (replaced…

The Great Apostasy

Some find it incomprehensible that Jerusalem would ever be destroyed, given all the prophecies about the restoration of "Jerusalem." The key is to know that there are two…

Three Streams of Prophecy Linked

There are three streams of prophecy being fulfilled in modern Zionism today. Here is a summary of this history. The Israeli state is fulfilling the prophecies of the evil figs of…

Ezekiel 38 and 39--Who are the Invaders?

In my frequent studies on Zionism, I have focused mainly on two aspects: (1) the evil figs of Judah; and (2) Edom, or Idumea's absorption into Judah in 126 B.C. But there is a…

The Six Waterpots in John 2

The book of John contains eight miraculous "signs" whereby Jesus "manifested forth his glory" (John 2:11). These eight signs were designed to prophesy details of the eight days of…

Taking the Kingdom by Force--Part 4

Jacob, Ishmael, and Esau each portray a different view of carnal thinking. Jacob agrees with God but worries that He is incapable of doing His will without help from the flesh.…