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The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 11

Whereas Psalm 59 focuses upon the Second Passover and its relation to setting up the tabernacle of Moses in Exodus 40, and Psalm 60 focuses upon the judgment of the nations that…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 10

When God speaks of the judgment of nations in Psalm 60, he singles out Edom in verse 8, saying, "over Edom I shall throw My shoe." This is a reference to the law of Sonship…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 9

As I mentioned in Part 8 of this series (2 weeks ago), Psalm 59 is a Passover psalm. More specifically, it refers prophetically to the Second Passover. So it distinguishes between…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 8

Psalm 59 This psalm is identified in its postscript at the end as being written "to the chief musician upon Shushan-eduth." Many bibles have misplaced this as the heading of the…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 7

Psalm 57 The title of this psalm is: "Michkam of David when he fled from Saul in the cave." The story associated with this psalm is found in 1 Samuel 24, when David was hiding…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 6

Psalm 56 Psalm 56 is the 55th psalm. From previous study, I have learned that 55 is the number of MERCY. And so Psalm 56 begins this way, "Be merciful, O God, for man has…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 5

Psalm 54 This psalm was written by David after he was betrayed by the Ziphites as he was hiding from Saul in the forest nearby. The story is told in 1 Samuel 23. The topic,…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 4

We saw how David wrote Psalm 53 on the occasion of his betrayal by Doeg the Edomite. That betrayal caused the death of the high priest, Ahimelech, along with many priests. Because…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 3

The golden calf incident in Exodus 32 was a major event in Israel's history. It established the precedent for the future, both near and far. In the near-term, God's judgment was…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 2

Psalm 49 This is a psalm about the redemption of Israel from Egypt, as well as our greater redemption by the power of the Holy Spirit. In the previous psalm, after hearing the…

The Exodus Book of Psalms--Part 1

Last year I wrote a book called The Genesis Book of Psalms. It is a commentary on Psalm 1-41. As most of you may know, the Psalms are divided into 5 books, one for each book of…

The Vineyard

Jesus said in Matthew 21:33 and 34, (33) There was a landowner who planted a vineyard and put a wall around it and dug a wine press in it, and built a tower, and rented it…

Two Covenants with Different Purposes

Ishmael was the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, who represents the Old Covenant. The sign of the Old Covenant was physical circumcision, and so Gen. 17:26 says, "In the very same…

How Not to be a Spiritual Ishmaelite

I showed in my book, The Wheat and Asses of Pentecost, how these were the two primary symbols of Pentecost in the Bible. They also double as the primary symbols of the Old…

Ishmael Compared with Other Types

When we study types and shadows, we find many "overlaps" in the characters. For instance, there are many types of Christ--Adam, Isaac, Moses, David, Joshua, and Hosea, to name…

The Hagar Factor--Part 2

Prophetic types have to be understood in their relationships to other people. For example, Ishmael must be viewed juxtaposed to Isaac. It is the same with Hagar and Sarah, Jacob…

The Hagar Factor--Part 1

When God first promised Abram that he would have a son, it appears that the revelation was limited to Abram himself. Nothing is said about Sarai being the mother of that son,…

The Year of Joseph's Manifestation

To understand how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled today requires a proper understanding of two things: the feast of Tabernacles and modern Zionism. These are the dominant issues…

God's Will and Plan

I have shown the failure of all flesh to fulfill the requirements of God, whereby they might obtain the Birthright, the Promise of God, the glorified body, or "salvation" in…

The Latter Rain in Context

The previous series opened up many related avenues of study to explore. It also raised many good questions, simply because the scope of the series covered such a wide swath of…