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Fall of Jerusalem: Part 2--The 40 Years of Grace

In Ezekiel 4:5, the prophet was told to lie on his left side for 390 days, a day for a year, to intercede for the House of Israel. Then in verse 6 he was told to lie on his right…

Fall of Jerusalem: Part 1--The Revolt Against God

The past series of web logs have a natural break point with the death of Peter, Paul, and especially James, the intercessor for Jerusalem. With the martyrdom of James, the…

Early Church History: Part 23--James' Martyrdom

While Paul was in Rome (61-63 A.D.), James was martyred in Jerusalem. Josephus indicates that this took place in the year 62 A.D., the same year that Seneca was forced to retire,…

Early Church History: Paul's Final Mission

Paul arrived in Rome early in the year 61 A.D. He would remain there two years before appearing before Nero in 63. Nero's early years are called his "Golden Years," because he…

Early Church History: Part 21--Paul Arrives in Rome

I mentioned in Part 20 how the grain ship from Alexandria was prophetic of Pentecost or the Pentecostal Age. I also mentioned how the pilot and captain of the grain ship represent…

Early Church History: Part 20--Paul's Prophetic Shipwreck

After Paul appealed to Caesar, Festus had to send him to Rome, rather than to Jerusalem to face trial. So in the late summer or early autumn of 60 A.D., Paul was put into the…

Early Church History: Part 19--The Boadicean War

While the Apostle Paul was being detained in Caesarea and occasionally questioned by Felix, who hoped that Paul would pay him a freedom fee, an insurrection in Britain struck the…

Early Church History: Part 18--Paul's Detainments

Paul was taken by night out of Jerusalem and brought first to Antipatris (Acts 23:31), a city about 40 miles away built by Herod the Great, which he named after his father,…

Early Church History: Part 17--Paul's Jerusalem Trial

Paul has come under criticism for seeming to insult the high priest in Acts 23. It is time that we understand the situation a little better. Paul made an opening statement, and…

Early Church History: Part 16--Paul's Arrest

When Paul left Philippi to begin his round-about trip to Jerusalem, Luke became one of his travel companions. And so, beginning with Acts 20:5, Luke uses the term "us" and (in the…

Early Church History: Part 15 Paul in Jerusalem

After preaching the word for many years, Paul arrived in Jerusalem and was welcomed by James and the believers there (Acts 21:18). If there was any conflict between the gospels of…

Early Church History: Part 14--Paul's Continuing Mission

In the days of the Apostle Paul, the Church in Ephesus was quite small. At first, Paul ministered in the synagogue for three months (Acts 19:8), until he had found all those who…

Early Church History: Part 13--Paul's Third Journey

Paul concluded his second missionary journey by arriving in Antioch (Acts 18:22), where he spent "some time" (vs. 23). Bullinger suggests that he remained there about three months…

Early Church History: Part 12--Paul Journeys On

When the earthquake set the prisoners free in Philippi (Acts 16:26), the prison warden's life was in danger, because he was held personally responsible for all the prisoners. Any…

Early Church History: Part 11--Effects of the Council

Philip Schaff's History of the Christian Church, Vol. 1, p. 353, originally published in 1858, dates the Jerusalem Church Council in 51 A.D. It was just eighteen years after…

Early Church History--Part 10--The Jerusalem Church Council

When Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch to give their missionary report, they were told how God "had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles" [ethnos, "nations"]. This does…

Early Church History: Part 9--Paul's First Missionary Journey

In his History of the Christian Church Philip Schaff assumes (without even attempting to prove it) that the apostle Paul was converted in 37 A.D. But we know from reading the…

Early Church History: Part 8 The Apostle Paul

We know very little about Paul's personal life. Perhaps this is because the gospels were written by men. Certainly, women would have written those personal details which we now…

Early Church History: Part 7--The Church in Rome

In Acts 2:10 we find both "Jews and proselytes" from Rome witnessing the fulfillment of Pentecost when they all heard God speaking in their own languages. No doubt Luke included…

Early Church History: Part 6--Joseph of Arimathea and Company

Britain in the first century was ripe for the Gospel. Though the common people spoke their own local language, their intellectual circles and government officials spoke Greek.…