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All Flesh has Failed

It was built into the divine plan that all flesh would fail, in order to prove that only God can succeed. The measure of man's success is according to how much of the Holy Spirit…

The Failure of the Church

We showed last time how the age prior to the cross was an age of failure. First Israel failed, and God removed His glory from Shiloh/Ephraim and gave it to Jerusalem/Judah. Then…

Man's Failure and God's Success

If I were a Dispensationalist, I would call the age prior to the Cross "The Age of Failure." It was characterized by the failure of the first Adam and all who came after him…

Housing His Glory

Joshua was of the tribe of Ephraim. Because he was also a type of Christ, it seems like a biblical discrepancy that Joshua was not of Judah, as was Jesus. But Caleb was of Judah,…

The Prophecy of Joseph's Life

When Joseph was sold into Egypt, his brothers dipped his robe in the blood of a goat and showed it to their father (Gen. 37:31-33). Their father naturally presumed that Joseph was…

Joseph and Judah

The seeds of division between Judah and Joseph were apparent as early as the book of Genesis. We see it when Jacob gave the Scepter to Judah and the rest of the Birthright to…

Joseph and the Fruit of the Spirit

The gifts of the Spirit are the tools that God has given us to function in our callings. Since each has a different calling, each one has tools that are specifically suited to him…

Joseph the Hebrew-Israelite

In many articles and books, I have shown why Christ must come twice. Each manifestation has its own unique characteristics and purpose, and it requires two comings to complete the…

How to Become a Hebrew

The word Hebrew comes from the root word abar, which means "to cross over." Abar is #5674 in Strong's Concordance, which says also that the word is "used very widely of any…

Remember Lot's Wife: Part 3

In Luke 17:22 and 26 Jesus speaks of "the days of the Son of Man," while in verses 24 and 30 Jesus speaks of the "day" as singular. No doubt the "day" and "days" have a broader…

Remember Lot's Wife: Part 2

In Luke 17:22-24, Jesus told His disciples not to look here or there to see the "days" of the Son of Man. The reason given is found in verse 24, "For just as the lightning…

Remember Lot's Wife: Part 1

The title of this article is taken from Luke 17:32. The problem is that most people do not really know what it is that they are supposed to remember about that story. The…

A Universal Kingdom: Part 4

This series is not complete without a brief study on the idea of a Chosen People. The word itself indicates a higher class of people who are more favored than others in the sight…

A Universal Kingdom: Part 3

God showed Moses the pattern to use in building the tabernacle and its furniture. Ex. 25:9 says, "According to all that I am going to show you, as the pattern [tabniyth,…

A Universal Kingdom: Part 2

In Ephesians 2 the Apostle Paul discusses the difference between Israel and the foreigners and how they have now been joined into "one new man." First, in verses 11 and 12, Paul…

A Universal Kingdom: Part 1

In the beginning God created the universe in which to manifest His glory. He installed Adam as head of the creation, giving him authority ("dominion") over all things (Gen. 1:28).…

Church House or House Church? Part 2

Hebrews 10:25 says, "not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more, as you see the day drawing near." This…

Church Houses or House Churches?

When God first "organized" His people into a Kingdom, it was at Mount Sinai under Moses. There God gave the people a great revelation in Exodus 19:6, "And you shall be to Me a…

The Gospel's Coming Avalanche: Part 2

The "bad news" being reported in the press is being written by those who do not know the plan of God. Chances are, if you asked one of those reporters about their "faith," they…

The Gospel's Coming Avalanche

It is only recently that Christians in America are beginning to understand that Christianity's epicenter has shifted from North America to Africa and Asia. This is a natural…