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Yellow Vest movement wearing down French police

Although the US media has issued a blackout on news about the Yellow Vest movement, it has been ongoing for nearly a year. French police have been worn down, claiming to be…

Rep Ilhan Omar files for divorce

Minnesota’s Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar, an avowed Muslim from the large Somali district in Minneapolis, recently admitted to having an affair with a political consultant,…

Ethiopian immigrant woman prays for POTUS in the White House

This is a reminder to fulfill the Apostle Paul’s admonition in 1 Timothy 2:1, 2, and 3, 1 First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be…

Vatican police raid offices of Secretariat of State VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Vatican police raided the…

Babylonian fear and insanity

The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV, 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Sin causes fear and guilt, which…

UK court rules the Bible is incompatible with human dignity

The Babylonians are finding it necessary to sprint to the finish line in order to accomplish their agenda before it blows up in their faces. I suspect that this court ruling will…

Israeli priests sacrifice a lamb on the Mount of Olives

The historic sacrifice was carried out on September 26, 2019 near the place where Jesus was crucified on the Mount of Olives. They offered it on behalf of the 70 nations of the…

The hunters become the HUNTED

In July 2019 Q posted three times: “Hunters become the HUNTED.” (July 14, 22, and 30). He was not talking about gun control limiting people’s ability to hunt. He was telling us…

Melania Trump rings the bell Melania Trump took a bunch of UN school children to the New York Stock Exchange on September 22, 2019 to ring the…

The Ukraine bribery scandal exposes Hunter Biden to federal probe According to interviews with more than a dozen Ukrainian…

Miscellaneous news that is of interest

Hurricane Humberto Hurricane Humberto did not cross our boundary marker (established in 1997 and being again reflected in 2019). It remained out to sea and hit Bermuda.…

JPMorgan metals traders indicted by the DOJ

This is really huge, because JPMorgan has long been involved in price manipulations of gold and silver at the expense of ordinary traders. The DOJ has indicted 3 of the traders,…

Another manufactured hate crime

Another manufactured hate crime was discovered last week, this time done by a former NFL star, who trashed his own restaurants and wrote “MAGA” and other racial epithets on the…

FISA report submitted to AG William Barr

It appears that on September 13 Inspector General Horowitz finally submitted the results of the long-awaited FISA abuse investigation to AG William Barr. Now they will have to…

Trump Impeachment Rally draws zero interest On Monday a protest was scheduled to take place on the “Capitol lawn…

Is McCabe about to be indicted for perjury?

The Inspector General’s report on August 27 gave a scathing review of both James Comey (ex-FBI director) and Andrew McCabe. It confirmed that McCabe lied three times. Oh, excuse…

Breaking News: Abortion body parts court case began with letter from AG Loretta Lynch The…