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Loose Ends and News

One Week Vacation I am leaving for a one-week vacation today to go fishing with some of the brethren in northern Manitoba. I'm not much of a fisherman--never had time to do…

Liquid Bombs on Planes? C'mon Now

Here's a good little article giving you a little lesson in chemistry to show how liquid bombs might be made to bring down planes. Of course, it is a bit more work than you have…

Dead Silence from the USA Today

Earlier, when I posted the news about the Israeli use of cluster bombs on the Lebanese towns, I did not realize that the U.S. newspapers were so silent on this. In fact, the…

Israeli Cluster Bombs in Lebanon

Cluster bombs dropped on towns and civilian areas are not legal under the U.N. regulations. To do so constitutes a war crime. The United States has shielded the Israelis from many…

Jewish Protest Against Lebanon War

This may be of interest to you, just to let you know that not all Jews are Zionists, and not all of them support the current Israeli incursion into Lebanon.…

Interesting News Article from Israeli Newspaper

The Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, has posted an interesting article about Menachem Begin, entitled, "Bombmaker tells Haaretz: Begin ordered hit on Adenauer"…

Update on the Coronation Stone

I will be doing an all-day seminar on Saturday, May 13, and will not be able to write a web log until Monday. Meanwhile, it may be of interest to some of you to see an account…

Letter to President Bush from the Iranian President

For those of you who might be interested, go to the site below to read the letter from Iran's President, written to President Bush.…

Norway's Economic Boycott of Israel

Here is an interesting article from The Palestine Chronicle that you might want to read. It is written by a Jewish author, which I presume is the man who wrote "The Holocaust…

The Church Positions on Iraq War

A reader writes: I thought you might find this article interesting. It's from the November 27 issue of the Commercial Appeal in Memphis. I cut and pasted it because you have to…

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