Dec 2006
There is a difference between a Christian Nation and the Kingdom of God. In terms of biblical types, it is essentially the …
Dec 2006
Force is never a proper substitute for the Holy Spirit. Force may indeed establish a Christian Nation, just as it has establishe…
Dec 2006
The Kingdom of God must be established by peaceful methods, that is, by the willing consent of the people, not by violence that …
Dec 2006
The Kingdom of God can be traced back to the Garden of Eden. It was lost through sin, and Adam and Eve were expelled. This does …
Dec 2006
Legislators in Poland recently introduced a bill to make Jesus the honorary King of Poland. Some centuries ago they actually pas…
Dec 2006
President Bush's speech yesterday was described as a "painful" experience by veteran news reporter, Daniel Schorr. He said it wa…
Dec 2006
In Haggai 2:18 and 19 we read,
" (18) Do consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the nint…
Dec 2006
In my book, The Laws of Wormwood and Dung, I showed that "wormwood" in the Bible is actually opium, which masks symptoms bu…