Dec 2006
I received this response from a friend in regard to a recent web log. I thought it was something that should be shared with…
Dec 2006
Last week, the incoming Secretary of Defense Robert Gates mentioned Israel as being a nuclear nation. The other day, Israeli Pri…
Dec 2006
Last September America was sending its warships and aircraft carriers to the Persian Gulf as a show of strength for the benefit …
Dec 2006
At the end of the eleventh chapter of Acts, Luke returns to the history of the apostle Paul. The story of Peter's great revelati…
Dec 2006
Toward the end of Acts 9, we are given an interlude in the life and ministry of Saul/Paul. Luke turns his attention upon Peter t…
Dec 2006
The Saul of the New Testament is the antitype of King Saul of the Old Testament, for both of them persecuted the overcomers. The…
Dec 2006
Caesarea was a city built by King Herod in honor of Augustus Caesar. This was not Caesarea Philippi, but rather Caesarea Sebaste…
Dec 2006
In regard to our Secrets of Time conference on Feb. 9-11, I have directed you earlier to see Pastor Bell's web page for details.…