Dec 2006
I posted a CNN news article about child artist Akiane Kramarik last week. For some of you it may have taken too long to download…
Dec 2006
Here is a good article on Jimmy Carter's new book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.…
Dec 2006
God has called the New Gideon's Army to help bear the burden of intercession with those who have been called to intercede that t…
Dec 2006
Yesterday I received emails and phone calls from friends living in Washington State, telling me about a powerful 90 mph wind and…
Dec 2006
God appears to have handpicked a little girl at an early age, whose mother is (or was) an atheist, to give her a revelation of H…
Dec 2006
In recent decades, large sections of the evangelical and pentecostal churches have been persuaded by Bible prophecy teaching to …
Dec 2006
There is a short but interesting article from The Seattle Times about Jimmy Carter's new book, Palestine: Pe…
Dec 2006
Prophecy students have been told for the past century that Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophesies a Russian invasion of "Israel" in the la…