Dec 2006
After Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch in the eighth chapter of Acts, Philip was caught away to another town by the Spirit o…
Dec 2006
Simon Magus was the founder of Gnosticism, which is the religion of the "DaVinci Code." It takes elements of Christianity and co…
Dec 2006
As I wrote earlier, Pastor Stephen Bell and I are planning to hold a "Secrets of Time" Conference on February 9-11, 2007. It wil…
Dec 2006
In the eighth chapter of Acts we find the story of Philip, who went to Samaria to preach the word in the midst of persecution. S…
Dec 2006
Throughout history, men have set forth their philosophies about the best forms of government and how to choose leaders and …
Dec 2006
Acts 6-8 presents a lengthy New Testament type in the stories of Stephen and Philip. These were two of the seven original d…
Nov 2006
The feast days of Israel provide for us the basic outline of all Bible prophecy. When Bible teachers stopped studying these feas…
Nov 2006
Key Ministries in Euless, Texas is hosting a Secrets of Time Conference next February 9-11. Euless is between Dallas a…