Aug 2006
From what we have set forth in this lengthy series on "The Rapture," it should be apparent by now that the evangelical …
Aug 2006
Here is an article from The Guardian (U.K.) reprinted by The Palestine Chronicle, written by George Monbiot that …
Aug 2006
The instructions for the Feast of Tabernacles in Lev. 23 single out only two days--the first and the eighth--as sabbaths. H…
Aug 2006
A copy of this letter was sent to me from a reader in New Zealand, where it was read in his church:
The Episcopal Church in J…
Aug 2006
The divine law reveals His plan in both the first and second comings of Christ. The feasts in the seventh month of the Hebrew ye…
Aug 2006
The Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth, "booths") was to be kept for seven days, and then they had a final ceremony on the morning of…
Aug 2006
Before moving on to explain the Feast of Tabernacles and its fulfillment in the time of Christ's coming, let us look one more ti…
Aug 2006
In Numbers 10, the stated purpose of blowing the trumpets is to gather the people (either the leaders or the congregation itself…