Aug 2006
We have shown earlier that Israel had two sets of feast days, one in the spring and one in the autumn. The spring feasts centere…
Aug 2006
Many have inquired about the psalm book found in the Irish bog last week. Supposedly, it was open at Psalm 83, and prophecy prea…
Aug 2006
During my early years in the Church, I heard contradictory teachings from the same pulpits in regard to the final home of the sa…
Jul 2006
Here is a good article written by William Blum, posted by Counterpunch. It is entitled: "Is There a Stronger Word than Hypocricy…
Jul 2006
Perhaps the most well known passage setting forth the second coming of Christ is found in 1 Thess. 4:15-17,
"(15) For th…
Jul 2006
A group of Jewish rabbis recently held a conference, in which they stated:
"A decision was made in Europe 100 years ago to esta…
Jul 2006
Most people are unaware that the modern pretribulation rapture theory is only about 200 years old. Its earliest version was set …
Jul 2006
This may be of interest to you, just to let you know that not all Jews are Zionists, and not all of them support the current Isr…