Jul 2006
In the spring of 2002 the Israeli army invaded Palestinian territory and destroyed most of the "Palestinian Authority" governmen…
Jul 2006
On January 29, 2006 Chuck Pierce spoke a prophetic word in Camarillo, California in regard to a coming war with Lebanon. It has …
Jul 2006
I showed last time that the Church was and is actually a continuation of the tribe of Judah. The Church originally was formed un…
Jul 2006
The story of Judah and Joseph really begins in Genesis 37 when Joseph was sold by his brothers as a slave to merchants going to …
Jul 2006
We are finally back home after being out of state since June 19. A mountain of work awaits me. If you have written in my absence…
Jul 2006
News reports today show that President Bush's approval ratings are again going down. Three different polls rate it at 40%, 39% a…
Jul 2006
Jesus is the rightful Heir of the scepter that was given to Judah as well as the birthright that was given t…
Jul 2006
I showed in Part One how the lost tribes of Israel disappeared from history. It was not that they were actually lost, but rather…