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Personal news

This past week our daughters flew to Minnesota, uniting our entire family for Saturday's memorial service for Darla's father, who died February 7. They returned to their homes…

A prophetic dream

This dream is shared by Brother Vinnie… Early this past Easter Sunday morning I had what I believe to be a very prophetic dream.  In the dream, former President JFK just rose…

Temple of Baal arch plans scrapped

The day after our decree, news came out that plans to construct the arch from the temple of Baal in Palmyra were scrapped. In fact, it seems that all of the monuments to Baal that…

Decree against the temples of Baal

There are two main time cycles that we watch regularly as a matter of course. First is the ten-year cycle, which we call the Hezekiah Factor. Second is the fifteen-year cycle,…

The importance of 2016, Part 2

2016 seems to be a Jubilee year in many ways. A Jubilee year is also an extra Sabbath year, so it is not surprising that the Hebrew word for Sabbath is Strong’s number 7676. We…

The importance of 2016

2016 corresponds to the Jewish calendar 5776. It is interesting that this date has the number 76 in it, but it is even more significant that 5776 is 76 x 76. This enhances the…

While we were gone

I have had visitors at the office every day this week since returning from the trip to New Zealand and Australia. For this reason, I have not been able to work on a trip report…

Deeper cleansing: January 27 to April 12

Each year, as most of you know, we are required to observe two cycles of 76 days for cleansing. In past years this cleansing has begun at the start of the new prophetic year,…

End of Cycle report

We have now completed the 76-day cycle of cleansing from November 13, 2015 until January 27, 2016. When this cycle first manifested in my life in 1981-1982 and again in…

The new Iran factor

This is one of the best geopolitical articles that I have ever read, telling us the current world situation, especially as it relates to Iran, China, and Saudi Arabia. Now that…

Cleansing the temple in 2016

The year 2006 was a foundational year for the present year, 2016. The connection between dates ten years apart are established by what we call “the Hezekiah Factor,” which was…

Resurrection and Ascension in 2016

In the current cycle (from November 12/13 to January 27), we have been watching specific dates that have been important in past years when this particular cycle manifested itself.…

January 1, 2016 Throne Room Case

Throne Room Case 12/31/2015 – 01/01/2016 12/31/2015   7:30 p.m. (This was after sundown, so by Hebrew reckoning it was January 1, 2016).  Preparation: Some couples…

2016--The Year of the Wind

On November 13 and 14, 2015, Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets were at a “Jubilee Conference” in Duluth, Minnesota, where some prophecy was spoken. The name of the city (Duluth) is…

Why all the pessimism?

There seems to be a recent outbreak of the pessimism virus among the leaders of the Babylonian system. First, the Pope was pessimistic a few weeks ago when he said, “While…

Let Freedom Ring TODAY

Today marks the one-year anniversary since the great transfer of authority occurred from the beast nations of Daniel 7 to the saints of the Most High, as per Daniel 7:22, 26, 27.…

The prophetic picture emerging

While we were on our trip to Branson, the world got closer to the final crisis. The US Dollar under Threat In the past few months China has been dumping US bonds at a fast…

Signs of Babylon's Fall in Iraq

It has been many months since I wrote an update on the situation in Iraq and its former prime minister, Maliki. Recall that Iraq is a prophetic type of Babylon, since it is…

The Pope's Apology

July 9 was one of our main watch dates this year, as with each year. Its history extends back to July 9, 1984, which I wrote about in The Wars of the Lord, chapter 4. In 2010 it…

Gay pride concert in Taiwan engulfed in flames

Hundreds of people attending a concert in Taiwan were suddenly engulfed in flames, as colored confetti caught fire. Reports now say that 500 were injured (burned) as their…