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Prophecy of the messengers (angels) of His Face

This prophecy from Paul Keith Davis was quoted in an article commenting on yesterday’s terrorist attack in France. I found it interesting, in light of the recent discernment we…

My Vision for the Future

The local conference this past week end went very well. I taught on Saturday night and Sunday morning. David taught Friday night and Sunday night. When we have such conferences,…

December 30, 2014 Big Event

We have now passed the important date of December 30, 2014, which is the 1480th anniversary of the Little Horn’s law alterations coming into effect in 534 A.D. So what happened on…

Bill Johnson's Jubilee declaration

This is an interesting 45-minute teaching video from Bill Johnson at Bethel Church in Redding, California.…

The 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve banks opening in 1914

We have just passed a milestone in history. Some seven months after the Reserve Bank Organization Committee…

Confirmation of the decree

The following word from the Lord came today from Mike and Kathy, which we take as confirmation to last night’s decree. #928  Word  11/14/2014, 8:49 a.m. You are to be an…

The Decree nullifying the law of the little horn

Last evening Darla and I attended a meeting to hear Dr. Tim Atkinson teach about breaking curses, contracts, and covenants from the past. Such hindrances can affect our daily…

Coming Watch Dates

November 14. Last year on this date, at the conference in Lake Sebu (Mindanao, Philippines), I was speaking at a pastor’s conference. I gave Iraqi dinar to those pastors and…

The Transfer of authority

On October 12, 2014, toward the end of our Tabernacles conference in Minneapolis, we were led to declare the transfer of authority from the beast empires to the saints of the Most…

Report from Dave Schmidt

This report seems to confirm what we know from a prophetic standpoint.…

The end of the prophetic year

There are many ways to measure a year, but one way is to look at the Prophetic Year. It ends on the 8th day of Tabernacles (today) and then, after a short interim, it begins with…

The soon-coming global reset

I have written for many years that the “kings of the east” in Revelation 16:12 prophesy of China and Russia overthrowing Mystery Babylon today. John says it would take “seven…

The Red Dragon repents with Michael

On Sunday, September 21, 2014 a group of people came together to repent on behalf of themselves, their ancestors, and the Dragon families of China. These included Ron Van Dyke,…

Tree of Hope uprooted

Three years ago I wrote a review of Jonathan Cahn’s insights into the Twin Towers demolition in 2001.…

Divine court procedure

When God brought judgment upon Judah and Jerusalem at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the course of world history was changed. The divine court ruling stripped Judah…

Watch September 15

In addition to our current prayer campaign dates (September 4-11), the next watch date is September 15. Recall that last July 15 was the date that the new BRICS Development…

Larry Randolph prophecy for 2014

This is a remarkable prophecy about the importance of 2014, given last April. This 12-minute video is amazing in light of our own discernment about the transfer of authority that…

Prophetic dream about October 16

Bonnie Jones, the widow of Bob Jones (who died last February), had a significant prophetic dream on June 1, 2014. In her dream, Kathryn Kuhlman was on stage prophesying about…

Meet Iraq's new 62-year-old prime minister

The new Prime Minister, Haidar al-Abadi, has been given 30 days to form a cabinet and government. (No doubt the cabinet has already been formed in the past few weeks.) Maliki is…

A long-term Kingdom perspective

I have long believed that we would see the emergence of the Kingdom in this present Jubilee cycle (1986-2035). The 120th Jubilee from Adam began in 1986, and the number 120…