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Lessons from the Lions' Den

There are some important lessons to be learned from the sixth chapter of Daniel, where we find the prophet being cast into the lions’ den. But to understand that story, there are…

One World Government

There is a world government coming. As a Christian, I believe it will be ruled by Jesus Christ. I believe He has the best qualifications, because unlike all other contenders for…

The final phase of the war on the saints

I received some new insights today about conditions from 2014-2017. To give better understanding of these things, I need to start at the beginning to give it context…. In…

Caleb and Joshua overcome all competitors

The two big television music competitions, The Voice and American Idol, have now completed their seasons. The winners are: Josh Kaufman and Caleb Johnson.…

Abaddon's calling and mission

In Joel 2:11 the army of locusts is said to be God’s army. In Revelation 9:11, however, we read, 11 They have a king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is…

Watching soon coming events

In previous weeks and months I have written about the fact that our spiritual battles fought in the year 2001 are now bearing fruit in 2014. It is now clear that the seven princes…

The spirit of the Little Horn

Last night the Father sent us another foot of snow. So I am writing this from home. Job 38:22, 23 says, 22 Have you entered the storehouses of the snow,  23 Or have you seen…

Full report on the 76-day cleansing cycles

The current Prophetic Year began on Nov. 14, 2013 and ends Oct. 16, 2014. As always this Year started with two cycles of 76 days each, a time of double cleansing. God always…

End of 76-day cleansing cycles

Today is Passover. The first of the four “blood moons” in 2014-2015 occurred last night about 3 a.m. our time. We got out of bed to witness it. A blood moon also occurred on the…

News from the Front Lines

The year 2014, along with 2010, is one of the most important years in prophecy. In the broader perspective, the time frame from 2006-2017 is full of endpoints of some long-term…

The Cyrus Cylinder

When King Cyrus of Persia took the city of Babylon in 537 B.C., he wrote what is considered to be the first Declaration of Human Rights. Under this Declaration, the people of…

The Dominion Mandate restored in 2014

Yesterday’s weblog ended with the information showing how the US dollar was crowned “king” of the world currencies in July 1944 at the Bretton Woods Convention in New Hampshire.…

Two monetary systems fight to the death as we approach the 70th anniversary of King Dollar

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, tells us how the recent Federal Reserve fight to suppress the price of gold and uphold the value of the dollar is a…

Prophetic times and the four blood moons

On November 14, 2013 we entered a new “prophetic year” known as the Year of the Open Door. New readers should understand that the divine plan each year reaches its culmination on…

Prophecy--God is making His move this year

This is an encouraging prophecy that coincides with what I have been seeing as well.

A study of Time in heaven and earth

Time is something that God created. We read this in Hebrews 1:2, which is actually mistranslated in both the KJV and the NASB. The verse speaks of Jesus Christ… “… by whom also…

Barley watch dates coming up

We have been watching dates that are connected to barley, because the ninth miracle-sign of Elisha in 2 Kings 4:42-44 appears to connect that sign with barley. For those who…

Results from watch dates, March 22-24

March 22-24 was important to watch, considering it was the 13th anniversary of our prayer campaign that overthrew the golden calves (seven princes) over America. If you are a new…

Economic sanctions on Russia would kill the US petro-dollar

The stage is set for our final watch dates this month, March 22-24. Look what has happened so far. February 21. The Ukraine Parliament agrees to form a new government and…

Pope Francis in Prophecy

There has been a flurry of excitement over a short video in which Pope Francis greeted the charismatic pastors and shared his heart about the topic of unity and getting along. But…