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The ninth sign of Elisha coming soon

In each of the first eight miracle-signs of Elisha manifested in the past few years, we have usually gotten some sort of early warning signal. We have been waiting for the ninth…

Costa Concordia raised; and A Word about Prophecy

On the night of January 13, 2013 the Costa Concordia cruise liner sank off the coast of Italy. Reporters compared it to the sinking of the Titanic.…

Updates and watch dates

I have posted many times the speeches of General Wesley Clark, who testifies in public that the plan to cause trouble in middle eastern countries was made official policy in the…

Census update

The census, now being conducted by Robert Henley, is the second since 1993 as we were coming out of the Pentecostal Age. The purpose of the first census runs parallel to Moses'…

Correction on the barley date

Earlier, I wrote a post saying to watch Friday, July 19, as this is like the 5th day of "Tabernacles." The day to watch is Thursday, July 18, which is like the 4th day of…

A barley date to be considered

I have mentioned three watch main dates for July, which have come and gone. Each date has been significant in its own way and can be seen as steps toward the fulfillment of the…

1968 prophecy of World War III

An old woman of 90 from Valdres in Norway had a vision from God in 1968. The evangelist Emanuel Minos had meetings (services) where she lived. He had the opportunity to meet her,…

Update on the Kingdom Census

There are 62 days left to sign up for the second census, the last one being counted in 1993. Please consider this.

The importance of Damascus

Comment from a reader... Hello Dr. Jones. I think it important to inform your followers that DAMASCUS is said by MUSLIMS to be the world headquarters of ISLAM under the…

New census being taken

My friend, Robert Henley, has received revelation that a new census is to be taken between now and the Day of Atonement (September 14, 2013).…

What is the unity of the spirit?

I had a hard day’s night. It feels like I was in language study all night. “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels…” (1 Cor. 13:1). I got up twice in the…

The Christian History of the Four Beast Empires--Final

After the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D., the Eastern Empire, with its capital in Constantinople (Istanbul), continued for nearly a thousand years until 1453. It was then…

April 15 watch date

Last week I posted the general watch dates, April 12-16. This was based on two things. First, the wave-sheaf offering (barley date) in 2003 fell on April 15, 2003, and so this…

The Christian History of the Four Beast Empires--Part 4

The Grecian Empire of Alexander the Great broke apart after his untimely death in 323 B.C. and was divided among his four generals. Two of them, Syria to the north of Judea, and…

The Christian History of the Four Beast Empires--Part 3

During the third year of King Cyrus of Persia, Daniel fasted and prayed for 21 days. At the end of that time, he received an angelic visitation, who gave him revelation. The angel…

The Christian History of the Four Beast Empires--Part 2

I am using the term “Christian” loosely in this series, partly because technically there were no “Christians” prior to the coming of Christ, and also because I do not want to…

The Christian History of the Four Beast Empires--Part 1

The Creator of heaven and earth remains sovereign in spite of man and in spite of sin. He never gave up that sovereignty, and although sin has brought about a revolt of sorts,…

The Paradigm Shift Eastward--Part 4

Whether or not Solomon actually sent one of his wives and a son to Jawa (Java) to safeguard his mining interests and start a ruling dynasty is not as important as the fact that…

The Paradigm Shift Eastward--Part 3

The world is shifting from a Western-style banking system based on fiat money to an Eastern-style banking system based primarily on gold. Advocates of fiat money have long argued…

The Paradigm Shift Eastward--Part 2

Yesterday’s weblog seems to have created a need for greater detail, so I have decided to do another, going into some background. I have written many past articles about the…