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The Paradigm Shift Eastward

The financial community is having a difficult time keeping up with all the news that is being revealed in regard to the new financial/banking system that is drawing near. All of…

Watch date update: April 12-16

Now that the recent prayer campaign has been completed (as of March 18), what should we be watching in the near future? During the prayer campaign in the past few months, the…

The door is opening

As the prayer campaign nears its final victory on March 18, we are seeing some very important signs that tell us what is being accomplished. March 8 was an important watch…

Review of past revelation from 2011

I wrote this on March 24, 2011..... {CCM:BASE_URL}/daily-weblogs/2011/03-2011/a-strange-dinar-story/ The revelation (from "Abriel") said that after the fall of Egypt's…

Watch Wall Street in March

The Wall Street flood in downtown St. Paul, MN the other day pointed toward the possibility that the coming prayer battle (2/17 to 3/18) may involve the stock market in NY. It…

Preparing again for spiritual warfare

In the past few months we fought the red dragon in spiritual warfare from early November until January 27. I learned this morning that we are to prepare for a second prayer…

Super Bowl discernments

Ron Oja dropped by my office late afternoon yesterday, and we had a short time to discuss the meaning of the Super Bowl last Sunday. Ron has many pages of notes containing far…

The red dragon's parting shot

232 people confirmed dead in Santa Maria (St. Mary) in the southern part of Brazil after a fire swept through a nightclub. Mary, the mother of Jesus, fulfilled the "woman clothed…

Water and fire from the dragon's mouth

The warfare against the red dragon, begun last November, was in two parts. December 19 ended part one, where we saw the red dragon cast down from heaven, as per Revelation…

Update on war with the red dragon

The warfare against the red dragon, which started November 13, will continue until January 27. It turned out to be in two parts, based on the pattern of Revelation 12. Part 1…

Passover January signs to watch

In the past few years we have watched signs of Passover in the month of January. As you may know, if you have followed this site for the past two years, January was revealed to be…

An old Palestinian gets a new name

We have some friends who live near the Minneapolis area. Years ago their daughter married a Muslim Palestinian, which causes some stress on both families, but less upon the…

A portrait view of spiritual warfare

One of the great difficulties in understanding spiritual warfare is that we live and think in a world that is bound by time and space (distance). To travel from one place to…

The red dragon continues his futile war

Two weeks ago we saw the red dragon cast down by Michael, as seen in the pattern of Revelation 12:1-11. We then understood that we would see the red dragon continue his warfare as…

The Coalition between the Red Dragon and the Prince of Persia

Two days ago (Dec. 26) I received revelation that the Red Dragon was being aided by the Prince of Persia in the current Cosmic warfare. This is, in part, the reason for the…

Small talk about the end of the world

Some were relieved. Some were disappointed. Some celebrated birthdays. Some were buried. Some will want to institute a new calendar, the start of AW (after world) or NA (new…

UBS, the red dragon cast down

The Cosmic War against the red dragon ended yesterday, December 19, 2012. We wondered, of course, how our victory might manifest in the earth, for this would probably show us…