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Iraq's President Talabani suffers stroke BAGHDAD — Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has suffered a stroke and was in…

Cosmic warfare ends tomorrow

The present battle is due to end tomorrow night. I am hoping that there is not a Part 2 yet to come, but if so, we will be ready and prepared for it. The red dragon is a ruthless…

Cosmic warfare and the spirit of Amalek

The tragic massacre of the innocents in Newtown, CT has stunned many and afflicted many with schoolaphobia. Guns will take the blame for this as politicians scramble to use this…

22 children in China slashed by knife-wielding man

More evidence of activity by the red dragon (spirit) that operated in King Herod at the time of Jesus' birth. That spirit is now at the forefront in the murder of 20 children in…

World collateral accounts set to be released before Christmas, Neil Keenan says

This is a brief explanation in a short 11-minute video.! I believe that this represents the final…

Cosmic warfare, Part 2

The earth orbits the sun like a cosmic carousel. If we are observant, we, as riders, may observe our surroundings with each circuit. Each time that we return to the same place, we…

A cosmic battle now occurring

Since the first of this month, we have been engaged in a cosmic war in the heavens that is following the pattern of what is written in Revelation 12. As usual, the enemy did…

Egypt, the Great Pyramid, and the Open Door Ministry

I have been watching events from November 21-29 this year, since this is 65 years after the Palestinian Resolution was debated in the UN in 1947. On November 29 Mr. Abbas of…

Interesting Copeland Prophecy

We're still killing bugs, and I have to learn how to navigate Windows 8 that came with the new computer, but I think we will be able to proceed. Sorry that the weblogs were…

Kingdom Perspective in Troubling Times

There has been a lot of prophecy circulating recently that predicts America’s descent into chaos, now that the US elections are completed. At the same time, I am receiving…

The Elisha Fast

This morning I awoke to a fresh revelatory connection that I had not seen earlier. Today is the fourth day of an eight-day fast (juices only). This morning I saw this in the…

The Signs of the Times

Last April a friend (Chad) received revelation that we were to engage in a 52-day project to repair the walls of the New Jerusalem, based on the pattern of Nehemiah 6:15. It was…

Pruning Hook

Hurricane Sandy seems to be poised as a pruning hook in this weather map. In that this hurricane struck ten years after the Washington sniper circumcised the heart of…

The New Prophetic Year brought in by Hurricane Sandy

In yesterday's blog about Hurricane Sandy, I mentioned the fact that it was 83 years since the Wall Street crash of 1929. It was also connected to The Twin Towers demolition on…

Hurricane Sandy and 911

Hurricane Sandy came ashore between Washington DC and New York City, just south of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Because of the counter-clockwise rotation of the winds, the strongest…

Possible one month delay in Elijah's 3-1/2 year cycle

My friend Mark (from New Zealand) has a better memory than I do. He reminded me of a one-month delay which I mentioned in my blog of April 14, 2009.…

St. Louis Conference Report

Over 200 people attended the Tabernacles conference in St. Louis last week end. The last official count that I heard was 207. This included many friends from Canada and Holland,…

Feast of Tabernacles revelation

Yesterday was one of those high-revelation days, designed to prepare our hearts for the feast of Tabernacles. At least a half dozen people had some revelatory input into this,…

Day of Atonement report

I had a meeting yesterday from 10:00 a.m. to noon, which ended well after 1:30 p.m. This was followed by a lunch discussion, which took up the rest of the work day. During the…

Revelation for 2013

Last evening I was led to go to David's church to receive whatever revelation he had to offer. As this was the evening of Rosh Hoshana, it occurred to me that this would likely be…