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Has Christ opened the door?

I awoke this morning with this Word: "Every move of the Spirit has the potential of covering the earth with My glory. It spreads until it is blocked by the flesh." Every…

Rosh Hoshana Encounter with Jesus

Our door knob was fixed about sundown last evening. It just worked out that way. It was the beginning of Rosh Hoshana. There is also a back door to be fixed today. So there is…

September 23 and 24 in Prophecy

On September 23, 1996 we were led to declare the 120th Jubilee from Adam. This declaration came 10 years late, of course, since the actual Jubilee in 1986 had already passed…

September 22 & 23 Prophetic Events

I had mentioned in an earlier blog that Sept. 22 was a watch date. This was based on the revelation that "July is like September," linking the Oslo massacre on July 22 to the date…

1921-2011 is an important Babylonian cycle

On September 23 we enter Libra, "the balances" of Justice. It was in this time that the handwriting on the wall occurred in Daniel 5, when God wrote, "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Peres."…

Watch Date Sept. 22

In the past week we have seen increasing evidence that we are presently in a parallel time to the spiritual warfare that occurred in July. "July is like September," the revelation…

War in September?

Recall the old revelation, "July is like September." This year in July we held a prayer campaign from July 15-22, so we must consider the possibility that this spiritual battle…

Bill Burns Prophecy

THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns -- 7/18/11: Angels are on the move, for there is a stirring in the heavenlies as well as upon the earth. It is now time for the glorious church to…

July Watch Dates

Ever since the revelation 30 years ago, "July is like September," we have watched the month of July for signs of what would develop in September. (This was not my revelation, but…

July 9-15 and the Barley Connection

This past week I have had some random thoughts that the dinar revaluation might occur from July 9-15. I had no solid reason to think so up to now. The only connection was from…

The Rapture seems to be postponed

I am in Nebraska with friends to discern and discuss prophetic things. No, this is NOT a Rapture party, nor is it a Rapture Watch. It is now ten minutes past the moment of…

Selection of the lamb for the second Passover

In the unfolding scenario surrounding the Second Passover, we are now able to start connecting the dots. Last night at our Bible Study, it occurred to us that May 14 was the 10th…

Watch Dates

The Passover season is a time to watch in relation to the 9th sign of Elisha that is described in 2 Kings 4:42-44. If you have followed the progression of the Elisha signs, you…

What happened March 22?

On my weblog for March 21, I mentioned this pattern: Feb. 11 quake in Concepcion, Chile Feb. 22 quake in Christchurch, NZ Mar. 11 quake in Sendai, Japan Mar. 22 ?? I also…

Watch Dates March 22-24

It is time to re-evaluate where we are in terms of the prayer battles conducted ten years ago. Recall that in 2001 we were in spiritual warfare at this time. This round of warfare…

Bob Jones' 1989 prophecy of the Japanese Quake

Here is a 28-minute video from Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries, telling of a prophecy from Bob Jones 22 years ago that spoke of a great earthquake in Japan. The quake, he…

Shaking the heavens and the earth

We are finally on our way home from California. Since the conference began in San Francisco, the world has become a very different place. The earthquake in Japan has been…

End of the World May 21, 2011? Harold Camping says that the world will end May 21, 2011. He laughs at those who…

A Recent Spiritual History of San Francisco

In a few days we will start driving to San Francisco, where we are hosting the Quail and Manna Conference. I anticipate that this will be a new beginning point where the glory of…

Joy and Peace seen

At our Bible study last night, it was not possible to do any speaking or teaching for the first hour or so, because the people were overcome spontaneously by the Spirit of Joy and…