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February 28 is a Watch Date

I believe it is quite probable that the Iraqi dinar will revalue at a time connected to our prayer battles back in 2001. The first three battles occurred: Feb. 26-28 March 9…

My Vision of the Future

Every writer has his own bias or point of view that depends upon who or what he advocates. Personally, my bias is the Kingdom of God and its King, Jesus Christ. In my view Jesus…

Exodus 16, Quail and Manna

Today is February 15. It is a prophetic parallel of the Second Passover and also to the day that the manna and quail were promised to Moses in Exodus 16. (See 16:1). It appears…


Ezekiel dates all of his prophecies according to the year of Johoiachin's captivity. The prophecies are not necessarily in chronological order. For example, Ez. 20:1 is dated…

Prophetic Watch Dates for February

On Dec. 4, 2009 I and others were invited to speak at a conference in Dallas. (This was not my conference, but I was an invited speaker.) Because it was scheduled to begin on the…

Thoughts on the Dragon Wars of 1996-1999

A significant portion of our Jubilee Prayer campaign was taken up by the "Dragon Wars" from Sept. 1996 to Sept. 1999. In those battles we saw that China figured prominently. These…

Passover in January

Today is a prophetic manifestation of Passover, being the 15th day of the first month (our calendar). Last night we had an "all-night" prayer meeting, praise, and teaching. It…

Watch Date November 12 The Iraqi parliament finally met on Thursday, Nov. 11 to elect a president so that he, in turn, could formally ask Maliki to…

The Birthright is Coming

Yesterday I had a strong urging to pray that we receive the Birthright and its double portion. We already have it, of course, but so far most of what we have seen is just the…

A Variety of Prophetic Things

When Jacob-Israel blessed his sons in Genesis 48 and 49, he split the Birthright into various parts and divided it up among his sons. To the sons of Joseph he gave the main…

Elisha Signs--Where are we?

In April 2009 I began writing about Elijah and Elisha and how the miraculous signs that they did apply to our time. All of this began with revelation at the conference in Hilo,…

Coming Watch Dates

I mentioned a few days ago that one of the more important time cycles to watch is the 13-year cycle. This cycle is anchored by the 13-year Jubilee Prayer Campaign from 1993-2006.…

The Oil Spill as a Sign of War

Recall that the oil spill in the Gulf began on April 20, 2010, which was 1290 days from the seventh bowl of wine that was poured out in Babylon, NY on Oct. 7, 2006. It was also…

The Oil Spill as a Sign of War

Recall that the oil spill in the Gulf began on April 20, 2010, which was 1290 days from the seventh bowl of wine that was poured out in Babylon, NY on Oct. 7, 2006. It was also…

Interesting numbers for the Dow

Yesterday the dow was up 66.6 points (actually, 66.58). Today, the market dropped 376 points, and we read, Only 153 stocks rose on the New York Stock Exchange while almost…

Confirmation of February 21 Watch Date

I received this by email today . . . Brother Stephen, concerning the watch date of 21 February, this is my confirmatory experience: On the night of 21 February 2010, in a dream…

Trade Wars and their Prophetic Significance

On March 22, 2010 the Washington Post published an informative article about America's trade dispute with China.…

Waiting for the 1335 Days to Complete

With March 11, 2010 being the 1290th day from the revelation of the present prayer campaign, as described in yesterday's weblog, there is strong indication that we ought to also…

The Abomination of Desolation Factor

My recent weblog about "The White Mountain" drew attention to a revelation from August 31, 2006, given to a friend named Kathy, after she was awakened at 3:32 a.m. While fully…

The White Mountain

On Oct. 31, 1517, a Roman Catholic priest, Martin Luther, began a "protest" largely against the love of money that had taken over the Church. In posting his "95 Theses" on the…