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Discerning the New Year 2019

We have finally come into a new year and the page has been turned. On the night of September 30, 2018 we received revelation that the enemy had been given a 90-day window in…

The blood covenant with Jericho/Babylon

In Joshua 6 we read of the battle of Jericho, where the walls (and its gates) were destroyed when Israel took the city. After the battle, we read in Joshua 6:26, 26 Then Joshua…

The structure of Mystery Babylon

To understand Mystery Babylon, one must know that it is structured as a corporation. The KJV translators knew this centuries ago when they put it in all capital letters in…

Christmas spirits judged in the divine court

The stock market today dropped a few hundred points during the day and then rallied in the last two hours about 850 points to close 260 points higher. This was obviously the work…

The armor of God

After completing the divine court judgment upon the various evil spirits behind the beast systems throughout history, we soon discovered that our work was not yet finished. We…

Uprooting the roots of evil

After uprooting the cursed fig tree on December 21, 2018, our heavenly Father immediately turned our attention to deeper problems, sins and curses that preceded the founding of…

Double witness prophecy

Veronika West put out a prophecy, dated yesterday, which someone just sent me. The death of George Soros (Hungarian Jew) would be an interesting sign of the times.…

Brief Explanation

The last two weblogs raise many issues that could be explained further. First, it appears that the court cases of yesterday and today can be considered a single case, much like…

Cutting down the fruitless tree, part 2

Yesterday afternoon, at 1:53 pm we met in the divine court to chop down the fruitless fig tree with a lower cut, as we were led to do in 1993-1994 with the Babylonian tree…

Cutting down the fruitless tree, part 1

Yesterday afternoon I had a rather intense hour once again, but it was just the first half of a continuing session that we expect to complete today in the early afternoon. Our…

The Bride has made herself ready

I have noticed over the years that the revelation I receive is witnessed by actual experience in some way. Often these coincide. The date of a particular revelation often marks…

In which temple do you worship?

On December 10, 2018 an altar of sacrifice was dedicated at the western wall in Jerusalem. I posted a video of the ceremony yesterday. What I did not realize was that an…

The coming glory

In the past few days we have received revelation about the glory that is soon coming to the earth. A long-time friend flew to Minneapolis to visit us from Thursday to Saturday…

Magog dies on Cursed Time

Former president (41) George H. W. Bush was said to have died at 10:10 pm the night of November 30, 2018. His nickname at Yale University was “Magog.”…

The new Prophetic Year

The votes have been cast in the midterm elections, and everyone is now licking their wounds and assessing the damage, while at the same time cheering their victories. Both of…

The Michael and Mary signs, Part 2

Our eastern trip was actually to Marysville, PA, near Harrisburg in the southeast corner of Pennsylvania to visit old friends from grade school at the mission school in the…

The Michael and Mary signs, part 1

We returned home last evening after being gone for a full week. I am still assessing the results of this eastern trip. I heard very little news while on the trip, and I did not go…

Hurricane Michael and other good news

A powerful hurricane is again threatening Florida as it moves north through the Gulf of Mexico toward Tallahassee. Currently, Michael is a Category 2 hurricane and is expected to…

Politics and the Plan of God

Yesterday afternoon I took off work at the office early and drove with two friends to Rochester to see the president give a speech at the Mayo Convention Center. In order to…

Should I take this prophecy personally?

Considering my weblog yesterday about the time of Visitation, I find this prophecy interesting, since it was published on the same day.…