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Where are we in Prophetic History? Part 2

The year 2018 is a pivotal year in prophecy, first because it is the year following the end of the “seven times” of beast rule over the earth. The time of beast rule had two…

Where are we in Prophetic History? Part 1

This past year has been very important from the standpoint of three major prophetic cycles, two short-term cycles and one long-term cycle. It truly has been a pivotal year in…

Justifying Kavanaugh

Every year we watch the Derby, Preakness, and Belmont Stakes to see if a horse wins the Triple Crown. This year we saw a horse named Justify win the Triple Crown. On May 5 he…

The 5th day of Tabernacles

Today is the 150th day since Emmett Flood joined President Trump’s legal team on May 2, 2018. To put it in prophetic terms, today is the day Noah emerges from the ark after the…

Emerging Kingdom in the marketplace (Clay Sikes) In a meeting (October 2009) with 99 year old Welsh Apostle, Arthur Burt, he kept repeating that this…

Summary of the three watch dates

Yesterday, September 24, 2018, was our third watch date this month, as it was 216 days after the death of “Moses” (Billy Graham). He died February 21. Hence, yesterday was the…

The work of Joshua-Elisha

If some of you found it difficult to log on to our web site yesterday to read the blog, it was because the site came under attack by about 30,000 web bots. This slowed everything…

The Elisha ministry casts out Jezebel

For the past week, a series of events occurred, which culminated yesterday with the casting down of Jezebel. This appears to be the first work of the Elisha ministry, and it…

The Branson Conference revelation

Our conference in Branson, Missouri (September 7-9) was really a conference celebrating the feast of Trumpets, rather than Tabernacles. The feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hoshana) began…

The decline and fall of the Roman Church

The prophet Daniel had one of the most comprehensive prophecies in the history of the world, spanning literally thousands of years into the future. He foresaw four (actually five)…

Dagon is overthrown, and the Glory is Returning

The corruption in the house of Eli brought Israeli into captivity to the Philistines for 40 years. This was virtually the entire time that Eli was high priest at Shiloh, because…

Flood sign in St. Paul

Back on February 8, 2013, a water pipe broke in downtown St. Paul. This occurred about five weeks after a similar occurrence in nearby Minneapolis (January 3, 2013). At the time,…

Eclipse today on a Jewish festival

Tonight the lunar eclipse will occur over much of the world outside of North America. I have read that it will also be seen from Jerusalem. Today is also a minor Jewish…

Three phases of the outpouring of the Spirit

I received this report today (from Greg) and thought that it should go to a broader audience… I awoke early yesterday, July 24th, to see and hear the following: The…

Three hours of darkness in Siberia

Original news article: Day suddenly turned to night around noon on…

Hudson Taylor's prophecy from 1889 about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

About the time that my maternal grandparents were born, Hudson Taylor had a vision and prophecy. He was a well-known missionary to China in the 1800’s and was the founder of the…

The Wailing Wall sign

Here is another sign of things to come. A 100 kg (220 lb) stone from the Wailing Wall dislodged and fell, nearly hitting a 79 year old woman who was praying there.…

The Duck Boat tragedy in Branson—a prophetic sign, part 2

The duck boat tragedy in Branson follows the prophetic sign of baptism, and this alone points to numerous biblical patterns of death and resurrection. The numbers involved (14 and…

The Duck Boat tragedy in Branson—a prophetic sign, part 1

Last Thursday, July 19, a storm having near hurricane winds hit Table Rock Lake in Branson, Missouri, capsizing a “Duck Boat” and killing 17 people. There were 31 on board,…