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Watch date--April 12, 2019

Ten years ago, on April 12, 2009, we launched the Elisha Ministry at the conference in Manassas, Virginia. It was the day of the wave-sheaf offering ("Easter") that year. Today is…

Iraq forms new government without Maliki (almost)

On August 11 the President of Iraq gave Mr. Abadi the right to form a cabinet and a new government. He succeeded today, and the Parliament formally approved the new government…

Update on Iraq

Yesterday it was reported that al Sistani, the spiritual leader of the Shiites in Iraq, is now calling for al Maliki to step down rather than seek a third term as Prime Minister.…

Update on Iraqi Politics

On April 30, 2014 elections were held in Iraq. The votes were supposed to be validated by their Supreme Court by June 1st and the new government formally seated on June 14. The…

Watch the Iraqi elections

Iraq is going to the polls now to elect new members of parliament. It is likely that the party of Prime Minister Maliki will not get sufficient support to re-elect Maliki. How…

NY Times article from 1991 reporting the revaluation of the Kuwaiti dinar

When Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, the value of the Kuwaiti dinar dropped to about 5 cents. In other words, it took 20 Kuwaiti dinars to buy one dollar. In February of…

Updates on Watch Dates

Our watch dates for July are July 1, 9, 10, 15, 21, and 22. The 1st, 15th, and 22nd of July are mostly because it is our seventh month, which is often a prophetic type of the…

Citibank bets $1Trillion on Iraq

Iraq, a country which has undergone the malicious effects of war and US-led evasion [i.e., invasion] almost around decades ago, is now trying to ramp up its economy…

Federal Reserve Board finally adopts Basel III requirement in special closed meeting

In September of 2010 the world met in Basel, Switzerland and agreed to adopt new measures to ensure bank stability. This included holding 7% of their assets in reserve, instead of…

UN Security Council votes out Iraqi sanctions

The 15-member UN Security Council voted to take the remaining issues out of Chapter VII and allow them to be resolved under Chapter VI. This effectively takes Iraq out of Chapter…

Iraq rising from the dead

Iraq is preparing fireworks and roses for their new independence day celebrations tomorrow night. They fully expect to be removed from Chapter VII of the UN sanctions that were…

Citigroup prepares to do international business in Baghdad

Note that international banks were unable to do business with Iraq since the sanctions were imposed in August of 1990. Those sanctions prevented international payments to be made…

UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon calls for an end to Iraqi sanctions

It appears that the paperwork that the Iraqi and Kuwaiti governments filed with UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon have been approved. It is not likely that any nation will object to the…

Iraq News--Lifting of Chapter VII sanctions expected on June 27

HEADLINE: Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations: lifting of Iraq from Chapter VII Security Council will pass without hindrance…

Iraq and Kuwait inaugurate a new era

Here is an article from Iraq's Twilight News (via google translator) June 12 highlighting today's meeting between the leaders of Kuwait and Iraq. They signed six important…

CNN's iReport on Iraq

This report contains some items of interest in regard to the Iraqi dinar and its revaluation. It also confirms that the US Treasury owns a few trillion dinar and suggests a proper…

Iraq and Kuwait sign historic financial settlement

The war reparations from Iraq's invasion of Kuwait back in 1990 appear to be finally settled. This is a very big day, because it has been the biggest hurdle preventing Iraq from…

Retired State Department official explains the plan for the Iraqi Dinar

This is an article from DinarVets. The link is posted at the bottom of the article. Retired State Dept economist: In our 40+ year career as a Retirement Consultant we have…

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