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How Joe Tippens starved his cancer using a cheap dog pill

This suggests that a simple dewormer for dogs seems to have helped Joe Tippens get rid of cancer in early 2017. Here is his story:…

Government loses landmark vaccine lawsuit Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years. Case…

CDC says cancer virus was included in Polio vaccines from 1955-1963

Well, well, someone at the CDC was honest enough to admit this, even though the information was quickly deleted from their website. Fortunately, someone got a screen shot of it…

Dr Judy Mikovitz testimony

Here is a brief testimony from a cancer research doctor who was persecuted and jailed without trial for publishing her findings about vaccines in a major medical journal. Big…

Senior research scientist says 50% of children will be autistic by 2025 Why? Evidence points to glyphosate toxicity from…

New healing device

Here is a 2-minute video showing an ingenious healing device.

Gardasil vaccine kills another girl

This vaccine is particularly wicked.

The perversion of science

Here is short article from the Washington Examiner showing an interview with Dr. Marcia Angell, who was the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine from 1999-2000. She says…

The Truth about Vaccines

Ty Bollinger is releasing another series of interviews regarding the truth about vaccines. His video series are always very informative, helpful, and professional. This is what he…

Vaccines laced with aborted fetal tissue since 1979

The Laws of Tribulation in Deuteronomy 28:57 says that if we persist in violating the laws of God, we will eat our children. In ancient times, a siege on a city could result in…

What does aspartame do to your brain?

This information is from a reader: Nicotine (C10H14N2) is injected into sugar (C12H22O11) resulting in C14H18N2O5 (aspartame). The nitrogen atoms in aspartame displace…

Leaked emails show government corruption in approving Aspartame (Nutri Sweet) John Podesta’s leaked emails have turned up a number of damning pieces…

Zika virus not living up to its reputation

It appears that the Zika virus isn’t the main cause of microcephaly after all. Here is an interesting article from The Washington Post.…

Reminder of Free Seminar on The Truth About Cancer

Ty Bolinger is holding a three-day online FREE seminar to discuss preventing cancer and alternative methods of dealing with it. It begins the morning of October 14, 2016. Some of…

Online Alternative Cancer Treatment Seminar next week end

Ty Bolinger is holding a three-day online FREE seminar to discuss preventing cancer and alternative methods of dealing with it. It begins the morning of October 14, 2016. Some of…

An anonymous medical professor diagnoses Hillary Clinton's illness

I am a professor at a medical school. I have taught at three institutions (currently in my third). I will not provide my exact credentials because several people who have tried to…

Phony food from Walmart

Hard to believe, but it seems that Walmart is selling ice cream sandwiches that don’t melt in the sun on a warm day. I don’t think I would want to put such Frankencream in my…

CDC busted when forced to reveal incriminating documents

It has long been known by those who study political science that image and perception is more important than reality. Corporations, governments, and other organizations spend a…

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