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GKM Has Moved

For anybody that has not yet heard, we have officially moved to Dr. Jones will no longer be posting blog posts on this site ({CCM:BASE_URL}) and will…

Fixed emails not being sent, and transition to new blog!

As of this week, Dr. Jones has officially ceased posting blog posts on the old site, and will only be posting on the new site. We will keep the old site online for the next…

New GKM Site Pre-Release -- What's New!

Hey everyone! Today, we are soft launching the new version of the GKM Website that has been in the works for the past couple years! In a subsequent blog post we will go over…

Jack Smith Obituary

Jack Smith passed away at the age of 78 on November 1, 2019 after suffering from a massive stroke a couple of weeks ago. Jack taught many people the biblical principles of freedom…

New publications available

Tomorrow morning we will be leaving to go to the Tabernacles conference in Branson, Missouri. We will be gone about a week and hopefully be back to the office next Tuesday the…

A Body Thou Hast prepared Me

Some of you may recall Fran Fisher and her teachings on the twelve tribes and their connection to the twelve physical body systems. She also connected the tribes to various…

Jude Commentary now Available for Online Reading and Purchase!

The commentary on the book of Jude is now available to read for free online, and to purchase in print on the GKM Store!   The Epistle of Jude: Against Gnosticism…

Live for the second day of the 2019 Passover Conference!

Day 2 of the Passover 2019 Live Stream Conference is Live!  View the stream and join in the chat by clicking the link below.  …

Live again on Youtube!

We are live again on the GKM Youtube channel for the last segment of Day 1 of the Passover Conference! Join the stream and chat by clicking the link below…

2019 Passover Conference is Live!

The Passover 2019 Live Stream Conference is Live!  View the stream and join in the chat by clicking the link below.   To…

Outreach in Zimbabwe

Last September, permission was granted, and arrangements were made to translate a number of books, including my book, The Judgments of the Divine Law and to print them in…

Commentary on Amos now Available for Online Reading and Purchase

The commentary on the book of Amos is now available to read for free online, and to purchase in print on the GKM Store!   Amos: Missionary to Israel Amos was a…

New Book/Tract Available on Site and Store!

Commentary on The First Epistle of John Now Available! The commentary on First John is now available to read for free online, and to purchase in print on the GKM Store! This…

Update on Site Issues as of late

Hi everyone. The last few days have been filled with quite a few issues for the GKM website, but it seems like everything is finally stabilizing. We want to give you an…

Update on Site Status (Updated)

Recent Update as of 6:01 AM, 9-22-2018: The cache issue with the Daily Weblogs list (showing the most recent blog posts) seems to have been taken care of. For anyone that was…

Site Speed Issues

We are currently experiencing very slow site speeds due to a high number of bots hitting our server. We are looking into installing a firewall to mitigate against this excessive…

Mistake email sent out, and site updates tonight (completed)

So you may have noticed an email that was sent out around 5:30 PM CDT that was titled "New GKM News Post!" This was an accidental email that was sent out while testing some…

2018 Sep FFI Posted

We wanted to let you all know we just posted the 2018 September FFI for free online viewing. Our apologies for the delay on this posting, things have been very busy lately and it…

Curriculum for the Bible School

Orientation: This is a Bible School, not a Liberal Arts College. While there are many other studies that are important, our main purpose is to teach the Scriptures in order…

Saturday Live Stream Details

We have created a generic "Live Stream" page under Teachings in the header nav. This page will be the central page to view any live stream GKM does, from conferences to generic…

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