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Two Young Men

I spoke at a conference in northern Minnesota yesterday. There I met two young men. The first approached me and told me that he had previously been greatly troubled that God would…

How to Order the New Books

I'm sorry I did not say how to order the new books in yesterday's weblog. I made changes in that weblog to correct this oversight. They can be ordered through the…

New Booklet available--Biblical Money, the Silver-Barley Standard

This booklet on Biblical Money - The Silver-Barley Standard is a pocket sized booklet, 34 pages long, $1.50 each. Now available. I did a weblog series on this last January, but…

The Prayer of Manasseh (Text)

This was written a long time before Christ. It is not known if it is actually a prayer composed by Manasseh himself, or if written by a later writer. But I include it here as a…

Education--Babylonian and Christian

America's educational system has slowly been turned into cultural re-education centers, designed to secularize the children from the earliest age and to enculturate them in…

Another Story of Lips on the Horn

I do not know if this is another version of the same story as what was reported in late July, or if it is a separate incident. But it is worth reading:…

How to Order Potassium Iodate

Many people have asked how to order Potassium Iodate. The cost is $10 per bottle. Each bottle contains 200 tablets (85 mg each). One bottle is considered to be a 50-day supply for…

Day of Prayer Today

Yesterday and today are days of fasting and prayer for me personally to deal with some issues on behalf of others. Today will also be a day of reading and study. Probably no web…

Financial Blog Proclaims the death of Pan

Look at the date of this financial blog proclaiming the death of Pan. It is June 26. The article itself says…

Pan Born in Arcadia

For those of you living in places called Arcadia, this may be a helpful detail in your ministry. Pan was "born in Arcadia," and this was the place where the worship of Pan is said…

Plutarch Records the Death of Pan in the First Century

According to the Greek historian Plutarch (in "The Obsolescence of Oracles" (Moralia, Book 5:17)), Pan is the only Greek god who is dead. During the reign of Tiberius (A.D. 14-37),…

First Century Gospels Discovered in 1906

When I was in Colorado Springs, I had the pleasure of meeting James Rutz, the author of Megashift, which I read a couple of years ago. He also gave me a copy of a new book, The…

An Inside View of the Coup in Honduras

I received an email from a reader who knows something about what is going on in Honduras and Latin America in general. It is enlightening and speaks for itself. Dear Dr.…

God's Kingdom Coin Update

A few months ago I reported that a friend of mine felt led to mint a God's Kingdom coin, one oz. of pure silver, using our two doves logo on one side, with a lion and lamb on the…

The Time of Adjudication Has Arrived

It is good to be home, even if for only one night. Tomorrow we have to drive to Illinois to retrieve our two boys who have been staying with friends while we were gone. I am also…

Pan is Dead

Written: Late night, June 25, 2009 Today Michael Jackson died suddenly and unexpectedly. His "Neverland Ranch" was his way of identifying with Peter Pan and the imaginary land…


When we toured the Shasta caverns on June 18, we had no instructions or insights as to its significance. This was because we were not to do anything until after we had banded…

Confronting the Two Bears

Today is the longest day of the year, the summer solstice. It is a day that the Lord pointed out on May 10 while we were in Nebraska. It is 42 days from May 10 and is a major step…


An astute reader found a mistake on my recent blog in regard to Washington D.C. He writes: I was a little surprised that you have not checked your own geographical…