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Babylon's Privatization of America opposed by the Kings of the East

I have mentioned in times past that the UNITED STATES, INC is not the original organic Republic that was founded 200+ years ago. It is a corporation that exists alongside the…

Day of Deliverance Seminar in Texas

Pastor Stephen Bell is having a "Day of Deliverance" on January 30, 2009 at Key Ministries in Euless, TX. If you are in the area and are interested in attending, learn more about…

Caution on the Gematria Site from Jan 14 Blog

At the end of the January 14 blog "More Comments on Haiti," I posted a link to Bill Heidrick's site in regard to the number 453 and its gematria. While this is useful and can…

Testimony of Death and Resurrection January 4th

Here is a testimony from a friend who sent this to me today: I want to share my story with you. On January 1, 2010, at a New Year's service a word came forward stating that a…

Funeral Today

I was out most of the day today for Glen Iversen's funeral. No weblog today.

The Case of the Missing Muslims It appears that a lot of Muslim men, having established themselves in America, are going to Pakistan…


In the earlier weblog I talked about the demoniac woman that received deliverance on March 15, 2006. Actually, there were two sessions. The first one, which I described in the…

2009 Christmas Thought

Luke tells us that there was a SIGN given to the shepherds, by which they would know the identity of the Messiah that had been born in Bethlehem. That sign was primarily that…

Glenn Iversen Gets a Rest

Our good friend, Glenn Iversen died last night. He was part of our local fellowship and was a long-time laborer in God's vineyard. He enjoyed a full life, and we enjoyed it with…

Computer Problem--No web log today

Sorry. I had most of a web log written this morning, and then the computer froze up and I had to shut it down. Then I ran out of time, as I had many other things to get done…

Teaching Report

I was invited to teach the Word at a local church yesterday, morning and evening. I discovered that this church focuses upon training pastors and evangelists in order to send…

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope you all have a good Thanksgiving. We will have a house full with family and friends. Daughter Audra and Ronnie flew up from Dallas yesterday to be with us this week.…

Mike Vincent Gets a Promotion

Our good friend, Mike Vincent, has been known to us for many years as "Mississippi Mike." He died today, November 19, 2009. Mike had followed and supported the Gospel of the…

Helpful Recollections

November 12, 1981 was the beginning of the first spiritual warfare of the Net of Prayer. I knew nothing of it, nor did I know anything about spiritual warfare at the time, but God…

The Prophetic New Year has begun

As I have explained in the past, there are different starting points for every new year. Most people begin on January 1. The Hebrew new year begins on Rosh Hoshana in September.…

November 9 Watch Date

It is now clear that the reason for the November 9 watch date was to observe the fact that an important turning point occurred in the financial crisis. Last Friday and…

Explanation of November 1 Watch Date

Last week (October 31), I wrote a blog entitled "November 1 is a Watch Date." I wrote: "It appears that some sort of attack is scheduled for November 1st. I received a 'heads…

Other Visions of the Vessels 2 Visions sent by Kenneth Visscher: (1st Vision) “Then beholding the Holiest place of all, even…

Jubilee update

I was in Wisconsin virtually all day yesterday for a gathering of 17 people to declare the Jubilee in the presence of witnesses. In the discussions the signs of the times…

The Treasure Hidden in the Feld is Found

In my weblog dealing with Joseph, whose picture is on the newly discovered coins in Egypt, there are some details that I failed to see immediately. First is the connection with…