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The Circumcised Heart of Love

My friend, Bob Henley, has written a book on Love recently, devoting a chapter to each of the characteristics of Love found in 1 Corinthians 13. Here is a quotation from chapter…

Gulf of Mexico--a soon-coming Dead Zone from the natural gas leaking

Last week the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico surpassed the disaster of the Exxon Valdez back in 1989. But few understand about the natural gas that is leaking into the Gulf…

The precise location of Hell

For decades, pundits have been saying that the New Orleans Saints were so bad at playing football, that hell would freeze over before the Saints would ever win The Super Bowl.…

Letter from Italy

I received this email today . . . Dear Brother Stephen, We live in the South of Italy and we always receive your newsletter. my wife, Giovanna had a vision Friday night…

New Books in the Works

In the past two weeks I have been working on three new books. Two are now completed and ready to be brought to the printshop. A third is now going through the proofing stage.…

Feedback about April 20 Watch Date

This is feedback from my weblog the other day. It is from my friend Anthony, who works for the UN in Nigeria. I have just read your weblog – ‘Casting out the bondwoman’. I…

The Samurai Sword Discernments

I posted a dream on 4/15 that was given to one of our readers. The dream came on 2/21, and I asked if anyone had comments or discernments. Comment #1: I read with interest…

Review of the two 76-day periods in 2010

Every prophetic year culminates at the Feast of Tabernacles. Then, after a few weeks of "silence," the next prophetic year begins, usually in early November. It begins with 2…

Leaving for Manassas

I am leaving this morning to go to Manassas, VA for the Passover Conference. No weblog today. I will try to write a couple while on the road, but as usual, my primary focus has to…

Repairing the Breach in 2000 and 2010

Today as we drove mile after mile, Ron and I discussed various aspects of the manifestation of Joseph that are emerging this year. At one point it dawned on me that going to the…

Usurping Naboth's Vineyard

I wrote a few weeks ago that it appeared that we are seeing the patterns of 2001 emerging once again in 2010. One of the foundational revelations in early 2001 was about…

The Two Sticks Joined February 20-21

On January 29, 2010 I wrote a weblog telling the story of Aaron's rod that budded almonds and how this was the pattern of events on Feb. 21, 2001. I wrote that we appeared to be…

The Covenant with Death Annulled

The overthrow of the golden calves on March 24, 2001 was actually a DIVORCE from America's oppressive husband--the false gods. Our revelation at the time was this: "America's…

Lindsey Williams Transcript of Main Points

I mentioned Lindsey Williams earlier, telling about his conversation with one of "the elite" rulers of this world system. Williams has about 7 DVD's to offer. He is quite wordy…

The 12 Staves and the Aftermath

I wrote last week about the challenge received by mail on January 29, 2001. At the time, we saw this to be similar in pattern to the challenge of authority in the days of Moses,…


In my weblog on "The 7th Sign" (Jan. 31), I mentioned the hailstorm as happening on June 8, 2000. Sorry, it was August 14, 2000. I made the correction on the weblog. If any of you…

The Death of Adam

Yesterday, Pernell Roberts died at the age of 81. He was the last surviving member of the "Bonanza" family in the television series from the 1960's. His screen name was ADAM.…

Opportunity to Minister to the Homeless

I received this letter from Norm Edwards, who bought the property at Port Austin which we originally owned. Some of you have been there for conferences. This is an opportunitiy…