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New Video - Second Interview with Dr. Tim Atkinson

12/12/2018 - Interview with Dr. Tim Atkinson - Part 1 Dr. Jones interviews Dr. Tim Atkinson about how he got started in energy healing, naturopathy medicine, and frequency…

Q is going worldwide

The New French Revolution is being inspired (at least in part) by the Q phenomenon here in America. Q has also reached the South Pole (pictured below). Babylon’s…

New Video - Interview with Dr. Tim Atkinson

Interview with Dr. Tim Atkinson - Part 1 Dr. Jones Interviews Dr. Tim Atkinson about his beginnings in Naturopathic and Energy Healing. [Part 1 of 2] To view the video,…

The swamp is being drained of fraud

Brother Vinnie has been visiting us this past week end, and his visit has been extended throughout today. So if I get a weblog written today, it will be late this afternoon.…

Corrected Link to Kasich statement

I made this correction on the previous weblog, but here it is again.

Saturday's Livestream changed to 2 p.m.

Yesterday's post said that the livestream would be held at 10 a.m. The new time is 2 p.m. CDT on Saturday, August 25. Sorry, my mistake.

Unconditional Love

My friend, Thomas Kissinger, has written a book about how he came to understand the Restoration of All Things. Get the details here:…

Progress Report for the Ministry

I am now well into the transition from writing Bible commentaries to doing video teachings (and smaller tracts). The studio itself was completed the first half of July and is now…

GKM Office Tour

GKM Office Tour Dr. Jones gives a tour of the GKM office, and how things are progressing in it. To view the video, click the button below View Video on Youtube…

Change of email address

It appears that the hack that I mentioned in the previous weblog was limited to our old aol email address. For some reason aol has given us problems over the years, which…

Email hack

If you got a strange email from me (from the old AOL email), please understand that we got hacked and that it did not come from me. Sorry about that. If you opened it up, you…

Weekend interruption

Sorry I did not write a weblog on Saturday or today. When I arrived home last Friday evening, I discovered that we had company from out of state. They left close to 11 a.m.…

Correction on previous blog (The Kingdom Model, part 2)

On the first page, speaking of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven to the earth, I had stated that the city was the bride and that the earth was the husband. I see now…


I attended two seminars in the past few days, first on Saturday, then another on Monday and Tuesday. The second was out of town. I had hoped that the new computer would be…

Imperial family activities

Vinnie preached at the Brownsville Assembly of God Church on Pentecost Sunday, May 20, 2018. The children led worship. See here:…

Out of town

I will be out of town for about 8 days beginning today. My sons will take care of the house and do the office work. So if you send book orders, they will fill them and send…

Today's ministry

I won’t be writing a weblog today. I had just started one when a visitor off the street walked into the office, and I ended up teaching her about the two covenants. The other…

Blog alert

I am working on a weblog today from home. I won't really get back to normal until the end of my fast. Today is Day #6. I do not yet know how long I have to continue. The upside is…

Taking a sick day

Dr. Jones asked us to let everyone know that he will not be posting a blog today, as he is feeling a little under the weather. He hopes to be back at it tomorrow, but we will…


Last night we prayed about the possibility of holding a joint conference with Ian Clayton some time in the near future. The Lord told us not to pursue this. This is no…