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Update from Dave Dixon after an encounter with a coral reef in Fiji

Hello Friends, I am sending this email from the office of the Navy of Fiji. We were rescued yesterday after having crashed into a coral reef that was not found on our…

What did they ask Him when He was twelve?

Luke 2:46 does not tell us the specifics of the conversation that Jesus had with the priests and rabbis in the temple. Here is a possible answer:…

Love, Part 2 Robert Henley is now completing his second book on unconditional love. Here are the details.

Another chance to bless

Last year, while on vacation in North Carolina, President Obama paid a visit to Billy Graham. According to his own account, they prayed for each other, and after this, Mr. Obama…

Prayer for Vinnie

Brother Vinnie called and requested prayer for himself and for his family. They have been attacked by a lot of sickness in the past few weeks. Please pray for divine health and…


In Part 2 of The Mandate of Heaven, I want to clarify this statement, least there be any misunderstanding: The descendants of the emperors understand the Mandate of Heaven,…

Hail in Hawaii, a portent of Truth

On March 7 I reposted an article from a year ago: "Love Wins, and here comes the hail." Hail, of course, sweeps away the refuge of lies. Hail is Truth. I wondered if we might see…

Love Wins--and here comes the hail This is last year's posting (March 6, 2011). It is worth repeating,…

Kindergarten guitarists on U-Tube

Some of you were unable to open the site that I posted previously. You should have no trouble watching it on U-Tube here:…

Stone Kingdom Ministries corrected email address

Many of you noticed that the email address for Stone Kingdom Ministries was incorrect as posted on the notice for the Passover conference. James was out of town for a few days and…

Local meeting today

No weblog today. Ron and I will be learning and sharing all about the prophetic significance of Purim as it applies to this year 2012. This will help to pull all things together…

Jonah and Purim

The Jonah theme appears to be coming up often these days. A few days ago news accounts published the discovery of a tomb in Jerusalem depicting a whale spitting out Jonah. Some…

The Government can

Here's an interesting song sung to the tune of The Candy Man. With so many people becoming aware…

Romans book now posted on site

Both volumes of my Romans commentary are now posted online. They are not posted in the "Books" section yet, but rather in the "What's new" section. Vol. 1…

No weblog today

I have meetings all day Saturday and Sunday and will not have time to write a blog.

Bonnie Gaunt passes on

I just received notice today that Bonnie Gaunt passed last Monday evening. She had been going downhill for the past few years and was in hospice care at the end. I have no other…

Dallas Conference CD's and MP3's now available

This is the conference from December 9-11, 2011 in Dallas, TX.


Yesterday I had the privilege of performing a small private wedding at our house. Congratulations to Ron and Pauline Oja. January 21, 2012

Song of the Overcomers Here's Dave Dixon singing a song that he wrote: Song of the Overcomers.

And to the Republic

Last November, we took note that the new Prophetic Year began on Nov. 11, 2011. Each Prophetic Year begins some time after the end of the feast of Tabernacles, and it kicks off…